I think it spawned in a patrol because i didnt see any outposts. i was in survival mode and the pillager was armed. He didnt decide to attack even if i walked up close. is this a bug? i thought pillagers were completly hostile?
Pillagers don't spawn in peaceful
The illager group spawns in peaceful due to woodland mansions but they don’t attack.
I can confirmed i was on easy NOT PEACEFUL
Edit: and i have seen no woodland mansions yet
They do exist,but their super rare. You can find them with the /locate command
I know they exist. my point is that the pillager that didnt attack me is glitched or something becuase there was no mansions in the area
It probably didn't have any arrows. It happened to me more than once.
Oh ok
I just play Minecraft but pillagers is sad cause I'm broke his house
Soo that why he not attack you
Wow, that is sooooo weird 😳.