100 Votes in Poll
Everyone start as a noob - anonymous
Stupid vindicators killing me in hard mode 1 hit
Or the wither.
Slimes are kinda annoying, i mean big ones
If we're talking from a gameplay perspective; slimes. They are fundamentally flawed and the only reason nobody notices is because they are so rare. Let me explain. You know how every mob has "invincibility frames?" Like how if you're hit once, for a few moments you cannot be hit again to give you time to collect yourself. Slimes do not have this. You can literally be backed into a wall and smothered to death without the option of being able to move. If you have no armor, no weapons, and no shield, you are screwed. And what makes it even worse is that they spawn in groups. This annoying factor is multiplied when you realize they spawn 50% more commonly during full moons, and 100% more commonly in superflat worlds. They are INSUFFERABLE in superflat. They've been nerfed twice... In a row. And it did nothing. The only reason I don't consider Magma Cubes nearly as annoying is because they are so sloowww. Magma Cubes jump higher but move extremely slow. Which makes them overall worse. Slimes are literally almost as fast as you are running...
Edit: Completely forgot to mention that they don't burn in the sunlight like Zombies, Skeletons, and Phantoms, aren't weak to rain like Endermen, and don't have to retreat to reload like Piglins, Pillagers, Skeletons, and Witches. Bottomline, they literally have no weakness except for having no projectiles and being rare... And lastly, to kill a full Slime, it takes a whopping 12 durability with one diamond sword to kill. TWELVE.
I edited my comment. I gave more reasons as to why I hate them so much. And if that doesn't convince you: play superflat on normal-hard difficulty and attempt to survive with no deaths legitimately as long as you can. You will absolutely resent them. I'd take a thousand creepers over them any day.