88 Votes in Poll
For my opinion, Nether is one of the easiest world you can live in, it has:
Piglins for trading but be careful!
So many striders so that you can enjoy the good ride or if you want to travel around the nether and it is the fastest way to travel around.
Common Soul Sand Valley just don't step the soul sand just put a block below you.
Beds explode (good for mining and insta-killing a hoglin)
Less food resources (every pig in the nether is a hostile/neutral pigs but good luck)
Small chance of netherite and some loot
It is not easy to find trees, can only be found in warped/crimson forests.(You need wood to get started and craft axes, pickaxes and swords)
No stone? No iron? Not even diamonds!? (You can't mine netherite, surry)
Piglins will kill you if you don't have gold armor
You need a saddle and a warped fungus on a stick to ride a strider and control it
Its literally always "night" in the nether because mobs spawn all the time
Its not like you have infinite blocks
Where did you get the wool
Ghasts arn't even that bad, you just need skill
True, unless you find a bastion or nether fort
I always find warped and crimson forests
Stone exists as blackstone and iron and diamonds exist in nether fortress and maybe bastion. (idk correct me on that one)
Oh and also you can't respawn unless you have that nether respawn anchor
@GlazingBomb49 yes diamonds and iron from loot chests in structures (bastions, nether fortresses, ruined portals). And stone too if you count blackstone lol. And of course, lots and lots of gold xD
You also need a saddle and warped fungus on a stick to ride striders. @Yournormalnoob you need a bow and arrows for ghasts, and yes you can have infinite blocks. Just get the netherrack, it's a quick mine!
I dont have doom so I became the doom slayer and murderers everything in the nether
Thanks genius people! :D
You can punch the fireballs, but that requires skill. Bow and arrow are just easier