I have been thinking about minecraft adding a 2 new kinds of villager.
First Kind of villager: The Coin Villager
Hearts: 8
Trades with: Coins
Habitat: Desert
The coin Texure:
Value of coins:
1 Wood coin: 1 Minecoin
1 Stone coin: 3 Minecoins
1 Iron coin: 10 Minecoins
1 Gold coin: 50 Minecoins
1 Emerald coin; 100 Minecoins
1 Dimond coin: 300 Minecoins
1 of the item of any of this things is equal to 10 coins of each.
Second type of villager: The Warrior Villager
This villagers dont trade.
This guys attack if they are atacked by the player just like the golem.
They have 12 hearts.
They automaticly atack hostile mobs.