The Caves & Cliffs Update as it is now officially named comes with improved cave generation and features things like lush caves and dripstone caves. There will also be a brand new archeology system, which adds a very cool sense of history and storytelling element to the game. You’re digging now, but soon you’re going to be excavating.
Something has to populate these caverns, so mojang also threw in crystals, telescopes, bundles, the sculk sensor block and a new hostile mob – the warden! Does Minecraft really need more hostile mobs? Isn’t it enough that the llamas spit at you?
The cliff in Caves & Cliffs means that the Mountain update that you voted for last yearwill be included in this one. We got a first look at the mountain goat that will populate these peaks.
The Caves & Cliffs Update also brings us copper! Over time however, your copper builds will start to turn green. What else, what else? I feel like I’m forgetting something… oh yeah! This update brings a new contender for cutest mob, the axolotl! Look at it! It comes in a bucket! A BUCKET!
My darling Arch-Illager’s playground will get a major update in November when Mojang adds a free update for cross-play! Cross-play isn’t the only thing coming to Dungeons, the brand new Howling Peaks DLC and a Season Pass are coming out in December! The new DLC also comes with a new boss, the Tempest Golem. I would advise playing in your windbreaker to up your fashion game while protecting yourself from the howling winds that this boss conjures up. Sounds like a breeze? No problem, you’ll be able to turn up the difficulty in the free update Apocalypse Plus. This adds 20 new difficulties after Apocalypse VII, increases the characters’ power ceiling, and adds new enchantments and items.
As if reading this summary wasn’t enough, I am here to promote even more text-based pastimes! Max Brooks us away in his upcoming novel The Mountain, the sequel to his bestseller The Island. This is a tale of survival, adventure, and most importantly no mountains. It might be best that you read the book for yourself when it comes out in March 2021!
Now it’s time for the Minecraft Education Global Build Championship, Minecraft’s very first international design competition! This is the first time that Mojang is challenging students from around the world to design and build a space that promotes a healthy environment for people and animals alike! I wanted to make a flippant joke about this but it sounds really lovely so I’m going to make up for it in the next segment, OK? Students can go here to check if they have access to Minecraft: Education Edition, which is where all submissions will be built. Educators, parents, and gaurdians can register their students in teams of 1-3 at for a certificate of completion and the chance to win Minecraft prizes!
Jens also revealed a little piece of delightful news. Alex, Steve, and a whole mess of mobs will finally prove to the world that just because you’re made of blocks, you’re no square. That’s right, Minecraft is coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
It wasn’t all combat and cookies, Lydia and Jeb also shared some of the cool stuff that Minecraft brings to the real world. Block by Block is a collaboration with UN Habitat that allows community members to redesign their neighborhoods in Minecraft. A few areas in Kosovo looked like trash before their amazing community gave it an upgrade!
There is a lot of exciting stuff happening over at the Marketplace. Not only is Terra Swoop Force coming soon, but there are also new custom items, blocks and a batch of tools specifically for creators! During the live event we saw how this affects gameplay in RPG and parkour maps, which was pretty parcool.
You were given the opportunity to vote for the next mob that was going to be addEd to Minecraft! Again! Because apparently, nobody learned their lesson after the Phantom! In a very exciting Twitter poll, three mobs contested for your vote. Did you pick the precious Moobloom, the cold-handed Iceologer, or the shiny shiny Glow Squid?
Without further ado, let me reveal the winner!
Ta-da! It’s the Glow Squid! I knew you weren’t satisfied with the game’s proportion of squid to non-squid mobs. Who could blame you? They’ve got tentacles, ink, and eyes that you can get lost in for hours on end. And now some of them glow? Who knows what they could get up to while you gaze at them. Anything, really.
That about wraps up this recap. If you want to relive Minecraft Live over and over again, either scroll back up to the top of this page or watch the entire show on YouTube or twitch!