I mean... PvP sucks in Java, and bows are as bad as HECK. SO what about to add guns to Java to make even with Bedrock...
Or use multishot crossbow with fireworks that thing deals a lot of damge
Oh someone wrote that thing alredy
Maybe they should make a separate version of the game that is modern
I think so adding another Armour specifically for Java will do the equality or maybe few more enchantment types to make even with Bedrock
In my opinion its Hood idea.
Naw, as everyone already said it would just ruin the astheitc of the game
I thin they will be too op
Guns dont belong in this game
Bodily fluids.
Aight Jeb.
Cows milk is technically a bodily fluid.
(Jk, he probably meant blood)
Anyway, you could make your own big cannon using red stone tho!