Name every achievement.
And how to get them.
Name every achievement.
And how to get them.
Why don't you!
Idk but
Getting WoodPunch a tree until a block of wood pops out.Taking InventoryPick up a block of wood from the ground.mineWoodBenchmakingCraft a workbench with four blocks of Wooden Planks.Getting WoodPick up a crafting table out of the inventory crafting grid.buildWorkBenchTime to Farm!Use planks and sticks to make a Wooden Hoe.BenchmakingPick up a Wooden Hoe from a Crafting Table or the ground.buildHoeBake BreadTurn wheat into bread.Time to Farm!Pick up
Bread from a Crafting Table or the ground.
makeBreadThe LieWheat, sugar, milk, and eggs!Time to Farm!Pick up a
Cake from a Crafting Table.
bakeCakeTime to Strike!Use planks and sticks to make a sword.BenchmakingPick up a Wooden Sword from a Crafting Table or the ground.buildSwordMonster HunterAttack and destroy a monster.Time to Strike!Kill a hostile mob.killEnemySniper DuelKill a skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 meters.Monster HunterKill a Skeleton by firing an arrow from a bow from more than 50 blocks distance away, and the distance must be entirely horizontal, not vertical.snipeSkeletonCow TipperHarvest some leather.Time to Strike!Pick up
Leather from the ground.
killCowWhen Pigs FlyFly a pig off a cliff.Cow TipperUse a saddle to ride a pig, then have the pig (and consequently a player) get hurt from fall damage while riding it.(Not available in Minecraft: Pocket Edition)flyPigTime to Mine!Use planks and sticks to make a pickaxe.BenchmakingPick up a Wooden Pickaxe from a Crafting Table or the ground.buildPickaxeGetting an UpgradeConstruct a better pickaxe.Time to Mine!Pick up a Stone Pickaxe from a Crafting Table or the ground.buildBetterPickaxeHot TopicConstruct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocks.Time to Mine!Pick up a Furnace from a Crafting Table (crafted using Cobblestone blocks) or the ground.buildFurnaceDelicious FishCatch and cook fish.Hot TopicRemove a
Cooked Fish from a Furnace.
cookFishAcquire HardwareSmelt an iron ingot.Hot TopicRemove an
Iron Ingot from a Furnace.
acquireIronOn A RailTravel by minecart at least 1 km from where you started.Acquire HardwareTravel by
Minecart to a point at least 1 km in a single direction from where the travel was started (500m in the PC version).
onARailDIAMONDS!Acquire diamonds with your iron tools.Acquire HardwarePick up a
Diamond after: mining some Diamond Ore, from a Crafting Table, or the ground.
diamondsEnchanterUse a book, obsidian, and diamonds to construct an enchantment table.DIAMONDS!Pick up an Enchantment Table from a Crafting Table.enchantmentsOverkillDeal eight hearts of damage in a single hit.EnchanterDeal nine hearts damage in a single hit - impossible without enchantments.overkillLibrarianBuild some bookshelves to improve your enchantment table.EnchanterPick up a Bookshelf from a Crafting Table.bookcaseWe Need to Go DeeperBuild a portal to the Nether.Acquire HardwareIgnite a Nether Portal.portalReturn To SenderDestroy a Ghast with a fireball.We Need to Go DeeperKnock a Ghast's fireball back at it, thus killing it.ghastInto FireRelieve a Blaze of its rod.We Need to Go Deeper (PC version)Into The Nether (console versions)Pick up a
Blaze Rod after: killing a Blaze, from a Crafting Table, or the ground.
blazerodLocal BreweryBrew a potion.Into FirePick up a
Potion from a Brewing Stand. An already-created potion placed and removed qualifies.
potionThe End?Locate the End.Into FireEnter an End Portal.theEndThe End.Defeat the Ender Dragon.The End?
Exit the End.
theEnd2The Beginning?Spawn the Wither.The End.spawnWitherThe Beginning.Defeat the Wither.The Beginning?Pick up a
Nether Star from the ground.
killWitherAdventuring TimeDiscover all biomes.The End?Visit all 36 Biomes (PC version).Visit 17 different biomes, not necessarily in a single world (Console Versions).exploreAllBiomesRepopulationBreed two cows with wheat.Cow TipperFeed two Cows with wheat while the cows are next to each other.breedCowDiamonds to You!Throw diamonds at another player.
Create a full beacon. The beginning. Put a beacon on a full pyramid (4 layers).
Eat a Notch Apple. Getting an upgrade
I think thats bedrock there is more on java i think
As of 1.12, achievements had been replaced with advancements on Java.
@CombyNiam1101 are you some type of god gamer or what?
Or copy and paste.
I know minecraft achievements but im bored to typing soo