I want new dungeons that are similiar in appearance to a single floor of either Mt. Thunder, Mt. Blaze, or Mt. Freeze, depending on the biome.
If you played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Red Rescue for the Game Boy Advance (or Blue Rescue for Nintendo DS) or play Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Rescue Team DX for Nintendo Switch, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Mt. Thunder'd be underneath Extreme Hills, Mt. Blaze'd be under the new Burnt Woods, and Mt. Freeze'd be under Snowy Toondras.
There'd be small rooms with new doors that, when the doors are opened by a player, 13 mobs would spawn, which depend on the type of dungeon. Witches in Mt. Thunder -inspired dungeons, Blazes in Mt. Blaze -inspired dungeons, and aggressive Wolves in Mt. Freeze -inspired dungeons.