The Ender Guardian will look like a knight but a end kind of color scheme. They act similar to piglins. Same health but different damage and certain behaviors. First The ender guardian will spawn naturally in end ships and if a player is near they will immediately attack you. They will attack by using a enchanted netherite sword with sharpness 1 and a new enchantment. But that will be a different discussion. They can be bartered with under certain circumstances. You must drop a ender pearl down at it and it will began to turn neutral. After doing that you can trade with them. There offers are netherite scraps, obsidian, ender pearls, and sometimes rarely a elytra. After enough trading with them they will began to turn peaceful. When peaceful you can tame them by using a end crystal. It will be now your body guard. Untamed: Damage 10-14 hit points, Drops: 1-2 obsidian 0-1 netherite scarps, 2-4 ender pearls and sometimes rarely they drop their sword. Tamed Health 50 points, Damage 20-24, *Note can still be bartered* drops: same for untamed.