Piglin babies scam you, and players say villagers with trash trades are 'scams'
But what about a selling type of villagers that actually DO scam you, but not really. If you're looking for something small, and have diamonds (villagers and piglins don't accept that) to trade, you can give them to these.
These would be called Ocenots or Catterman/Oceloots or Cazts (both ocelots and cats) and can be found in the Nether and Overworld.
Their homes in the nether are made of netherite blocks, stone walls and more. They give goods of a lower value, but if it's something of low value, you'll get a little bit higher value. They wear gold armor (similar to piglins) and use crossbows with fireworks as a weapon. Their homes in the overworld are modern(like quartz) and can be up to 30 blocks high. Homes in the nether are similar to piglin homes, but they are surrounded by magma and lava (and also have a museum inside the tower)