Weakness: Dark blocks blinds it (contains obsidian, bedrock, netherite block, ancient debris, black concrete, black stained clay, repeating command block, purple concrete, purple stained clay) and dies instantly when out of water
Healed from: Sea lanterns
Spawn: Near underwater castles.
Extra Info: The no-texture looking part blends in with the nearest block when attacked.
Attack Damage:
Easy: 0.5 hearts
Normal: 1 heart
Hard: 2 hearts
Attack methods: Just bonk.
Raw Cracier 1. If you don't cook it, it has a chance to give you blindness.
Dictated Bone 0-1. Used to brew Potions of Hypno.
Potion of Hypno 0-1. Whenever you drink it, it will reverse everything you did. Lasts for 3 minutes, can also be brewed by Dictated Bones.