When I was younger, me and my friends were sitting at the villages cafe talking, then, some of our friends told us: Do you know a game called "Minecraft"? It's pretty cool! Wanna play? They download Minecraft and show us his to play. Minecraft had just made it's Redstone update. In 5 minutes of watching them playing the game, I instantly loved it, even if I didn't knew anything
Damm, it's been years... I started playing in 2013-ish on PE (idk what version back then, all I know was that the nether reactor core was still a thing) at a family reunion because I was bored. I was young and stupid and had no idea how to play, but I do remember I played around with cobble & mossy cobblestone and made a small house. The only time for the next two years I could play MC was at said family reunion, until ofc my dad let me get in on our PC at home. That's pretty much it, I've stuck with it ever since, only losing interest in it around 2016-2017 (before fortnite was a thing) but coming back to it and loving it ever since :D
This year, PS4
So the time I started playing was you were ONLY cool if you played Minecraft and I didn't have it and I asked for it for Christmas and my Grandma got it 4 me. Obviously when I got it the cool thing then was Roblox. But I first played it I was stupid I made a house out of diamond blocks and Built a house with a 1 x 1 radius. Then I accidentally double tapped a and started flying and I didn't know how to stop, so my 4 year old sister fixed it for me. XD I remember builing on a super flat world a giant diamond castle/tower. On a world called Rat world I built a BEAUTIFUL brick house. It was so pretty. My sister built a house out of sod(dirt) I was so happy. Then I got my own account and my dads was blocked(F***) and I had to start over.(I was playing on Xbox 1) Then I got into survival. I always enjoyed the Tutorial worlds, my favorite was the castle. I played before the Elytra and shulkers were added. This was a time of "Peace" between my parents and I. A long time ago before 1.14.
My first memories of Minecraft were destroying everything my friend knew and loved with a wither. Good times
If love things?
Ah yes Griefing my friend house and I say Its herobrine
Years ago a friend showed me the game. After I, sadly, moved, I got my own device and downloaded mc for myself.
I first heard of it when i was like 4. one of my older cousons was playing i thought it was pretty cool. fast forward a few years i was wathing stampy cat nonstop. mybe like another year passed than i believ i got it on bedrock than maybe after 6 months i got on java.
My sister showed me it and I played it on pocket edition
I played the demo back in like 2015 on my old windows laptop when I was a kid but sadly Minecraft was hated at the time so I did not want to play due to criticism and my parent are super strict and they would not let me get the game anyway but last year my brothers girlfriend works at microsoft so we got a year of free xbox game pass ultimate but I never got into xbox again until my $1000 PUBG Mobile account got hacked so I switched from mobile to xbox again so I will lose the game in like 3 weeks since it has been 11 months already and this is the last month until xbox game pass ultimate expires so I will lose both playing online and minecraft but I started minecraft 3 weeks ago on February 1st so I will make the most out of my time there and beat the game and stuff by march 17th which is when my time is up.