941 Votes in Poll
I sincerely doubt BOTH will remain editable. Fandom doesn't want to segment communities. Both wikis remaining active causes two separate versions of the same community instead of ONE community. Two separate versions of the exact same page. Confusing Google results. Etc. Fandom wants to do away with that, which is why they instituted the new Blocking policy (will be in effect April 1st)
I would bet on minecraft-archive. I don't think minecraft-alt will be a thing, but they might have a special scenario for y'all, idk for sure.
There was a blog post where they said they would allow unmerged wikis to both remain open. I'm still trying to find it.
NEVER! If we do that, then no more discussions. Do we really want that? (No)
For anyone some how wavering over which way to vote regarding this merge idea I implore you to go over and look at the train wreck in a barren wasteland that is Gamepedia's wiki and then compare that awful sight with what you see here. It's night and day the difference in quality, the choice should be an easy one.
All the people voting yes have no idea what they're saying yes to.
Yeah I know what you're referring to @SLScool
I can't find it either but I remember that being decided on a while back. But with this new blocking policy, they might not go with that anymore.
That's because the old way was "You got blocked by a bad admin? Well... go start your own wiki then" and it turns out that's stupid because it hurts Search Engine Optimization and segments the community. Which is why the new blocking policy is being enacted, since there's no "go make your own version of the wiki then" response anymore.
Also MERGING wikis is taking the GOOD from both wikis and combining them.
Anything that this wiki does better, would end up over there. It's just a matter of choosing one singular location to host all of the good things.
If that's the case, then good is subjective. A lot of users on this wiki think that Discussions is good while a lot of users on minecraft.gamepedia.com dislike Discussions--and, since (according to another blog post) Discussions will be optional for Gamepedia wikis, their opinion on Discussions does matter.
Yeah that's the reason that there even IS an archive copy of the wiki that didn't become primary. So you can transfer information, if need be. The archive wikis aren't designed to stay forever I don't think.
I've spent SO long thinking over this and can' come up with a decision. I guess I will just adapt to whatever the rest of the community agrees to.