Chain Armour under my max enchanted Netherite gear would be nice. I’ll max all that out to and will basically be an unstoppable tank. I could almost be tankier then an Iron Golem. Hmmmmm... perhaps it would be efficient to put Fire Protection on my Chain Armour considering how often lava gets poured on my head in the construction process of my Nether Highways. Either way, I’ll still be chestplateless when I need to fly but Feather Falling IV 2x would be nice, whether it would just add up to Feather Falling V or lol Feather Falling X lol. Hmmmm now that I think of it I would also, or could also have Respiration III on both Helmets and I’ll literally be able to live underwater without a Conduit lol. Now I would just need more Mending Books if that were to happen... I need more Mending Books either way lol.