74 Votes in Poll
74 Votes in Poll
75 Votes in Poll
It says I am running 1.14, but it says 20w51a on the bottom left.
45 Votes in Poll
53 Votes in Poll
Villager babies actually play with eachother, and so do villagers with their children! since this post is short ill say some breif things
Piglins can't dual weild.
Baby Piglins can hold Netherite Swords.
Hoglins and Piglins spawn in Peaceful Mode (i understand piglins but why hoglins)
And now for a segment called: Stupid Things!
If you touch a cactus with a real life thorns enchanted chestplate, will the cactus break or become more stronger.
How much heavier is crying obsidian to normal obsidion.
How does the wither plant the Rose?
91 Votes in Poll
83 Votes in Poll
So I’m new and I was bored one day and came up with an idea for a challenge to do ingame. You make a new world and the first thing you do is find a village, and you can only get the resources required to get there (like chopping down a tree to make a boat). From there your goal isn’t to beat the game (although you can still do that) but rather grow your home village and branch out into the world and make new villages, even (if you are ambitious enough) attempt to colonize the Nether and the End. I’m calling this challenge idea Colonization, and I though I might share it just in case someone is interested :) Alright bye
67 Votes in Poll
If so can somebody make one?
I got minecraft on Bedrock 1.14.3(1.15 on Java) with only 2 months until 1.16 so I never really saw what the old villages looked like or the old villagers?
46 Votes in Poll
The last update is 1.14, the nether update is 1.16, what happened to 1.15?
460 Votes in Poll
61 Votes in Poll
Is protection 4 iron armor better than unenchanted diamond armor?
I've got mending on the iron armor...
80 Votes in Poll