75 Votes in Poll
75 Votes in Poll
53 Votes in Poll
So enchantments, something that can make a tool better. I've been wondering what would be the best SWORD. (I play 1.15 so no Netherite) My Diamond Sword has Sharpness V Fire Aspect II Knockback II Unbreaking III Mending I and Looting III. I'll include my pickaxe aswell since pickaxes and swords are tools most people use. Unbreaking III Efficiency V Fortune III Mending I. I'll tell my bow too since its the secondary pvp weapon, Unbreaking III Flame I Punch II Power V Infinity I, sometimes I use instant harming arrows or instant healing for the wither but infinity doesn.t do that with special arrows.
83 Votes in Poll
Why my grass turns darker in any world ???
I have Minecraft forge there is a lot of mods
But i have lag at first i have like 150 FPS but its chainging to 0 FPS like every 10 sec what i need to do
Would anyone be interested in having a realm over quarantine to have a casual time playing Minecraft? *Java Edition
Just made a video that might help one or two people find those buzzy bees :)
99 Votes in Poll
136 Votes in Poll
460 Votes in Poll
84 Votes in Poll
Fellow PS4 players, what do you think of PS4's new update, 1.99?
Bees are a nice addition but take forever to collect. Honey from but finding a hive is easy
1.The 1.15 Buzzy Bees Update comes out for Java and Bedrock tomorrow.
2.Ps4 will get Bedrock edition today.
All people who play Ps4 will be able to play cross-platform with Xbox, Switch, Windows 10, and Mobile.
Go out on Ps4 Becrock and celebrate.