Mango Carrow·1/24/2021in GeneralWich update was the best?1.9(pvp update)1.14(village update)1.16(nether update)Vote45 Votes in Poll1.14 - Village and PillageUpdates1.9 - The Combat Update1.16 - Nether Update
Lolbitlover56·11/29/2020in GeneralOld school XDClassic1.9 - The Combat UpdateMinecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
Badowie·10/25/2020in PollMost needed part 2 update?Nether Update IICave Update IIVillage & Pillage IIExploration Update IICombat Update IIUpdate Aquatic IIVote91 Votes in Poll1.14 - Village and Pillage1.9 - The Combat Update1.13 - The Update Aquatic1.16 - Nether Update1.17 - Caves and Cliffs1.11 - The Exploration Update
Zodazzle·7/24/2019in GeneralWhich combat system do you prefer?Pre 1.9 combat systemPost 1.9 combat system (the current one)(Additional) An entirely new combat systemVote81 Votes in PollWeaponsPvP1.9 - The Combat Update