They should make nether varients of mineshafts in the nether and the loot should be gold, pigstep, quartz, ancient debrie, and netherite scrap.
They should make nether varients of mineshafts in the nether and the loot should be gold, pigstep, quartz, ancient debrie, and netherite scrap.
Rarity: Common
Mobs: Miner, Person (my mob idea), Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Enderman, Creeper
Looks like: A mineshaft with no cobwebs and no spawners.
Namespace ID:
Found: Underground
Biome: Any, even in the nether.
Warped Forest or Soul Sand Valley:
I have two diamonds, a mineshaft where I can probably grindstone an enchantment book, and I have iron sword, diamond pickaxe and blah blah as well as a ton of lava and 2 buckets. Enchants, right?
In your opinion, what is a "nat-gen structure" that should be added? I made a list last week and listed the Raided Village, Nether Well, Abandoned Hut and MinePit.
Did a video about it too. What are your structure ideas and mechanics?
Comment and like please!
98 Votes in Poll
Cave Spider Corners
Cave spiders are fun and dangerous to fight. I knocked some off the edge of a mine shaft bridge, and found a Mineshaft.
Cell Blocks
I like cell blocks because, with extra iron bars and an iron pick, you can lock in everything from Zombies to Endermen. The creeper experiment didn't work, but It blew a hole in the wall leading to a library and a swarm of Silverfish.
Library 1 only had a Prot 2 book, but in Library 2, I opened up two library chests and got a Prot 3 book, a Pierce4 & Sharp3 book, a second Sharp3 book, and two Power 3 books, one with Pierce 3.
Bridge Fights
So, after looting that library, I ran back through the Cell Block and into the spot back into the Mine Shaft I used to enter the Stronghold. I also love bridge fights, so I had a BLAST when I was above an almost 20-block drop and was surrounded by Creepers.
I was yeeted off the edge, and MLG'd myself not with water, but a slow falling splash pot I threw at the wall. I passed that spot just as it broke (I threw it maybe a block down).
Small Spaces
A Creeper blew up the wall to the Portal room. Of course, Silverfish spawned, but there was flippin' a pool'o'water under them and they fell in.
Why believe me?
"Oy, this be fake!" you might be saying. But I assure you, it is not. The only thing you can do is take my word for it, or not.
Are there probabilities to find a abandoned mineshaft inside a mountain
I want to know if i should make it into a exp farm
(2 are zombie spawners and 2 are cave spider spawners)
I found a pirate ship sideways floating on a high iceberg and a mineshaft in the ocean found with lava in a tiny hole
(I can take screen shots if you want proof)
32 Votes in Poll
3 Librarians talking about books:
Inside of the (redesigned) bunker:
Inside of the big structure on the right side in the second image:
And finally, the inside of a custom "mine shaft" that was hand dug (with explosives of course):
How do I find abandoned mineshaft in Minecraft bedrock ??