What kind of armor would you like to see added to the game?
685 Votes in Poll
685 Votes in Poll
120 Votes in Poll
I've tried doing:
/effect @e strength 1800000 245
/effect @e health_boost 1800000 245
/effect @e regeneration 120 245
But that didn't work... So how do I make a strong zombie using commands?
Also how do I spawn a Zombie with enchanted Netherite armor and a Enchanted Netherite Sword?
Pls give me the right commands and instrux to do this!!
Here is the result:
I had hard time doing the helmet, but this is my first retexture... I hope you like it!
38 Votes in Poll
I was elytraing back to my house at night and there was a husk in full Diamond
Wish I had a screenshot, but he dropped almost broken helmet and chestplate and almost full boots, sadly no leggings
Give yourself a sharpness 20 leather helmet, make a pastebin for the successful command, bring the link to it to me and I will make your face the greatest in koradai
This enchantment have 1 level.
Its for armors.
Per 72000 gametick( 3 minecraft days) , the player with a armor that have this enchantment on it can be immune to a fatal attack for once. But will stay half a heart.
For the next 400 gametick after the passive of the enchantment, the player will be immune to all damage. And after the 400 gametick, the player will still stay half a heart.
I have full netherite with protection 4 Unbreaking 3 and mending also respiration 3 and aqua affinity on the helmet soul speed 3 depth strider 3 feather falling 4 on boots
Was wondering if or if not to put thorns 3 on or no
Found in the overworld, found at Y1 - Y5. Crafted by upgrading diamond with an anvil, rather than a smithing table. Has better enchantments than gold. The color is earth green. What steve looks like with the helmet:
Using it on armor will give you Luck and will heal trusted allies by /whitelist.
Using it on a sword will give it free Looting X and Mending.
Using it on an axe will drop the stripped version of the log and will chop 2 logs.
Using it on a pick will give it free Fortune and a 2x2 cube.
Using it on a shovel will make it dig a 2x2 hole.
Using it on a hoe plows 2x2
Titanuim Crafted by 1 backtanium ingot and 8 iron ingots surrounding it, making a Titanium Ingot.
Hardened Glass Glass that takes longer to break. Requires silk touch, unlike Tinted Glass. Crafted by 4 backtanium ingots surrounding tinted glass.
Bursting Bow Cleary not crated, but upgraded by a backtanium ingot on an anvil.
66 Votes in Poll
It's still in beta and you might find bugs. All bugs in this addon are going to be fixed in the next update
Finally i made netherite sword with diamond sword i found in end ship and now i have full netherite set (enchanted)
I got 3 wither skulls in a row, so I go back to the portal, it starts to teleport me, but then a ghast shoots a fireball, breaks the portal, and then it shoots another that breaks my iron chest plate, but I pull of a big brain move and save myself, then I fall from a ledge, pull of the move where you place a hay block underneath you to reduce fall damage, but when I break it, I realize that I put it on the one block of gravel that was above lava, and I fall in and die. (The same death happened to a YouTuber while he was exploring or whatever, and it is possible to get triple skulls in a row, because I saw a video where it happened)
55 Votes in Poll
Hey every one, i have a quiestion. I hear'd there is a code that makes attaking armed villagers. Do you know it?
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