KeiraSkunk2025·2/26/2021in Minecraft CreationsI honestly love the barrier Blocks!!Like I was building a huge hide and seek map and the spawn point was in the air! I found it so great that nobody could fall because these amazing blocks!MinecraftMinecraft: Xbox One EditionBarrier
NorthL0rd123·10/30/2020in Minecraft CreationsBuild Hacks #6Did you know? When you use chain, barrier, any animals, and the name tag. It looks like a pig hanging. . .Type the name tag, "Dinnerbone," and use the barrier around it. . .MinecraftBarrierChain
Weightlifter·9/24/2020in GeneralDo u know command block? And barrier? And how to get them?YesNoDa fudge? Vote82 Votes in PollCommandsCommand BlockBarrier