-Is very useful
-Easy to craft
-t a b l e
-Cheaper than chests (especially in bedrock)
-Are cool
-Can be used as a path
-And other stuff
-Very versatile building block
-Looks amazing
-Is very useful
-Easy to craft
-t a b l e
-Cheaper than chests (especially in bedrock)
-Are cool
-Can be used as a path
-And other stuff
-Very versatile building block
-Looks amazing
Did you know? If you use the basalt around the spruce trapdoors, and now it looks like a box filled with coals or a cannon balls. . .
Now you can use for in the mines. . .
Or you can use the cannon and the cannon balls. . .
I made this in Creative Mode, but it's my idea of a Nether-Themed PvP Base. Might need to click for full image.
(Numbered from top to bottom) 1: Lobby, showing the central pit and prison cell, along with the main hall. 2: Lobby, showing a better picture of the central pit. Also contains the Lounge, where players can rest and watch mobs in the nearby cave. 3: The armory, of which also contains a Nether Portal. 4: The eating area. Has various foods for the enjoyment of the base's inhabitants. 5: The library/enchanting room. 6: The entry room. The entrance is within the mountains, and although not well hidden, is easy to look over. Kept dark as to not alert others of its existence.
What purpose do you think the new block basalt will have in the game? It could be just another decoration block like the honeycomb block. I hope the basalt block will have a special use in the update.