How come we have pumpkin pie and no other type of pie in the game? If there is no other known pie in Minecraft, then "pumpkin pie" should just be regarded as "pie". Same thing goes for sweet berries and the ender dragon.
How come buckets, made of iron are capable of holding lava but will burn when thrown in lava? Same thing goes for iron blocks, cauldrons and anvils, capable of withstanding lava as a block will also burn when thrown into lava as an item?
How come items like cactus and magma will damage you when you stand on or touch them but will not damage you at all when you hold them as an item or punch them using your bare fist?
How come players, villagers, foxes, and bats are the only creatures in Minecraft with the ability to sleep? How come Villagers can safely sleep in bed in the Nether without blowing the beds up?
How come Villagers don't drop the items that they offered for trade when killed? Does that mean they scammed us all this time? Or do they conjure the items using magic from the emeralds? But about the emerald they don't drop that they sometimes hold out for trade?
How come only sand, gravel, concrete powder, water, lava, players, animals and mobs are the only ones affected by gravity and nothing else? is Minecraft stuck in a time warp?
How come the player gets hungry but never thirsty? How come the player consume food so quickly? How come an enchanted golden apple, crafted from eight solid blocks of gold, is consumable by players in a matter of seconds?
Think about it.