Whata good little bee
When your lost in the nether and starving look for one of these bees spawn here and it the only way to get wood in the nether waites!
Um people does anyone know if Fortune works on beehives or bee nests (not sure what the natural ones are called) ?
73 Votes in Poll
Can bee nest maxed out, if it can, then i will make a bee nest and put it near the original, but my question is, if the bee nest maxed out (if it can), then can the other bees move to my bee nest, so there will be 2 bee nest, (sorry bad english)
To avoid nightmares, I will put it in the comments, that way, bad dreams are not my fault.
93 Votes in Poll
Hello! I'm attempting to make a teleportation area with command blocks on minecraft ed but idk what version i'm playing on. So, i'm wondering what version is minecraft ed? It has bees and i know that was added into the game a few months ago.
"Nothing wrong with me," it says.
You break the nest. *Turns around*
"I kill you now!"
I will be hosting a Survival Server only on Bedrock edition. There will be objectives in the Overworld, Nether and End.
It's been a while since I last read them and I don't want to forget them ;-;
thank you,
I love minecraft
And monstercat
On minecraft, I like bees
On monstercat, I like Crab Rave
Fletching Table will have a use! Fletching Tables will be able to craft arrows and special arrows. Bomb Arrows, Spectral Arrows, Vine Arrows, oh my! Crossbows will be getting more & Bow Enchantments, Shields will get Enchantments, and TNT will get a throwable, non-block-breaking variant!
Recipes (items in order).
Bomb Arrows:
TNT, Arrow, Gunpowder.
Spectral Arrows:
Blaze Powder, Arrow, Blaze Rod.
Blinding Arrows:
Gunpowder, Arrow, Ghast Tear.
Vine Arrows:
Vine, Arrow, Coco Beans.
Arrow of the End:
Ender Pearl, Arrow, End Stone.
Arrow of the Nether/Magma Arrow:
Magma Cream, Arrow, Lava Bucket/Magma Block.
Bee Arrows:
Bottle of Honey, Arrow, Honey Block.
Homing Arrows:
Cactus, Arrow, Bone.
Arrow Descriptions, Shield & Crossbow Enchantments, TNT variant, & Fletching Table interface will be in the comments later on. (This mainly is a wishlist, not speculation, nor leak)
73 Votes in Poll
I have sheared so many bee nests that had honey dripping from them. Not a single one has dropped any honeycombs. What am I doing wrong?