In my opinion the Warden will be killable as with the Pigman: putting himself on a pillar of at least four blocks for how big the Warden is and hitting him from there ... Or with a dozen iron golems
In my opinion the Warden will be killable as with the Pigman: putting himself on a pillar of at least four blocks for how big the Warden is and hitting him from there ... Or with a dozen iron golems
Build something using the following blocks:
Mossy Cobblestone
Black glazed terracotta
Spawner (With Wandering Trader or Villager)
Iron Bars
Iron door
Redstone dust
Coarse Dirt
Wither Rose
And Last but not least, an item frame with a book named "Curse" in it.
(Write your own curse spell in the book. I wanna see what you come up with. Both the curse and the build)
I forgot to mention this before I made the facility,
Structures: Facility (there will be more)
Blocks: Glowing Grass, Dirt, Quartz, Glowing Log, Glowing Leaves
More info soon
Ok I'm not trying to brag because most of you already have this stuff.
I have defeated the ender dragon 2 times, I have the egg, The End Portal is under My house. I have a Fortune III Unbreaking III Efficiency IV Netherite Pickaxe, a Unbreaking II Riptide III trident, a Fire aspect II Unbreaking I Sharpness IV Looting I Netherite Sword, a Sharpness II Looting II Unbreaking II Netherite Sword, 3 Conduits, 245 Xp Levels, 53 Diamonds, 5 stacks of Iron, 3 stacks of gold, 4 stack of block of coal, 2 stacks of Lapiz Lazuli, 3 stacks of Redstone(That one no big feat) a Normal Trident, a Channeling I enchanted Book, Diamond Armor, 2 netherite scraps, found a Bastion Remnant with 23 blocks of gold, I have a Respawn Anchor, Village with 2 villagers(THEY JUST WON'T BREED!) Every single kind of vegetable, Chorus fruit, 3 Water Breathing 8:00 min, Friend that eats pufferfish and drinks harming II potions(That's Not very bright now is it?) Elytra, 2 Dragon Heads, A parrot up until recently RIP Eden, A bunch of wood, Finally found a Swamp so some slime balls, and thats about how much I've done, Working on to fight the wither once I'm ungrounded.
That was more of a rant lol!
Have a Fantastic Friday!(I'm Not, No Video Games This Weekend. UGHHH)
SoulReaper aka Jonasaurus Rex1
Endermen with flower crowns, they can not see you so it's ok to stare at them.
Villagers over water in some type of tower above water?
Ride dolphins, sure it may be animal abuse, but don't forget the damn achievement from a pig falling five plus blocks with a rider on it. Or, overworld striders.
Ocelots are semi-nocturnal, like foxes.
Pandas and ocelots can climb trees (other animals as well)
Hey guys, I am requesting a Minecraft Beta Texture Pack. Not texture packs that work for beta, of course. You know, when the grass, trees used to be a different green, sort of a small brownish tint. I would want it to look like Beta 1.7.3 and earlier, not after Beta 1.8. I have been looking for this type of texture pack for months, searching on the Minecraft Forum, Google, etc. All I am getting is texture packs that make Minecraft look like Alpha, when the grass and trees were super bright green, which is not what I am looking for. If you have this type of texture pack, please let me know.
Weakness: Dark blocks blinds it (contains obsidian, bedrock, netherite block, ancient debris, black concrete, black stained clay, repeating command block, purple concrete, purple stained clay) and dies instantly when out of water
Healed from: Sea lanterns
Spawn: Near underwater castles.
Extra Info: The no-texture looking part blends in with the nearest block when attacked.
Attack Damage:
Easy: 0.5 hearts
Normal: 1 heart
Hard: 2 hearts
Attack methods: Just bonk.
Raw Cracier 1. If you don't cook it, it has a chance to give you blindness.
Dictated Bone 0-1. Used to brew Potions of Hypno.
Potion of Hypno 0-1. Whenever you drink it, it will reverse everything you did. Lasts for 3 minutes, can also be brewed by Dictated Bones.
The future has very futuristic blocks. The usual year is 7321.
I don't understand people hating Diorite. I think it's a cool block and I personally like all of the Polished types of rocks for building, I don't think it should deserve hate. Hating Diorite is just like hating all stone blocks. It's Polished Variation can also be used for building decoration that some people use. If you want a checkerboard with some texture in it you can go for an obsidian and diorite duo. I just don't understand why do you hate it? is it because diorite is everywhere underground? It looks ugly? NO! That's just exactly like Java hating Bedrock. Do you want andesite? Luckily you can craft it with Cobblestone and Diorite if you just want to get Andesite instead of Diorite.
Hello, and welcome to the BOTD series! 1 block per 1-2 days, plus reviews, ideas, decor and more! Today, we will be talking about the Crying Obsidian block.
Description & Use:
Crying Obsidian is a decoration block acquired by bartering with piglins, destroying ruined portals or looting Bastions. It can be used in crafting a Respawn Anchor together with 3 glowstone. This block is uncraftable as of 1.16
Respawn anchors are used to set one's spawn in the Nether, while in the Overworld or The End they will explode.
Block HAck of the Day
Why resort to looting bastions? Simply get a bartering farm and get lots of this stuff. Another hack is to build a nether portal frame out of these and place nether portal frames inside wwith commands. CURSED.
Build Hacks
It's Raining! Purple??
For a sky, place a LOT of Crying Obsidian. Crying Obsidian drips purple particles, so it looks like purple rain! Perfect in The End dimension.
Fun Facts & Trivia
In February 2012, Jeb received a message saying: "Will you bring back crying obsidian?" and Jeb replied: "When I make more preparations for texture space."
Crying obsidian takes slightly shorter to mine than regular obsidian.
Crying obsidian emits a light level of 10, unlike regular obsidian which does not emit any light.
Crying obsidian can be crafted into a Respawn Anchor by using six crying obsidian and three glowstone which will help you set your spawn in the Nether.[6]
Crying obsidian cannot be made into a Nether portal.[7]
Crying obsidian generates naturally in ruined portal structures with regular obsidian and some other blocks.
An easter egg exists in the Minecraft Programmer Art resource pack where crying obsidian's texture is changed to the texture of the old crying obsidian.
It is also known as "bleeding obsidian" among many members for its appearance instead of its official name, crying obsidian.In February 2012, Jeb received a message saying: "Will you bring back crying obsidian?" and Jeb replied: "When I make more preparations for texture space."[5]
Crying obsidian takes slightly shorter to mine than regular obsidian.
Crying obsidian emits a light level of 10, unlike regular obsidian which does not emit any light.
Crying obsidian can be crafted into a Respawn Anchor by using six crying obsidian and three glowstone which will help you set your spawn in the Nether.[6]
Crying obsidian cannot be made into a Nether portal.[7]
Crying obsidian generates naturally in ruined portal structures with regular obsidian and some other blocks.
An easter egg exists in the Minecraft Programmer Art resource pack where crying obsidian's texture is changed to the texture of the old crying obsidian.
It is also known as "bleeding obsidian" among many members for its appearance instead of its official name, crying obsidian.
Blocko Ratings
Today's Blocko Rating for this block, the Crying Obsidian block is:
GOOD: Pretty Cool Fun Decor Idea Respawn!!
BAD: Not Much Use Rare Boring After A While
That's it for this BOTD post! See you in 2 days!
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Must beinecraft related can be mobs/blocks/structures or items
Rules:have fun and I will be participating too
Maybe a BOTD (block of the day) system there eachday there will be a new block of the day, like now it can be dirt and tomorrow bone blocks? Just a thought. If it is already here can i get a link?
Hello, and welcome to the BOTD series! 1 block per 1-2 days, plus reviews, ideas, decor and more! Today, we will be talking about the Stonecutter
Description & Use:
The Stonecutter is a utility block found in villages and crafted out of 3 stone pieces and 1 iron ingot, like this:
It's use is making stone materials into stairs. It is a common life hack in minecraft to make stairs, slabs and walls using Stonecutters over crafting tables. Here's why:
Block HAck of the Day
The crafting table uses up 6 stone/plank pieces for 4 stairs, While the Stonecutter uses up 1 block for 1 stair. Therefore, you can make 6 stairs instead of 4 using our stonecutter. We gain 2 more stairs.
Build Hacks
The Hanging Villager
Place 4 fence posts upwards. then, place 1 fence post next to the top post, so it looks like a hangman base. Then, place a chain under the fence post that is next to the top one. place a stonecutter on the floor. Next, use barrier blocks to outline the area around the stonecutter and spawn a dinnerboned villager on top of the stone cutter. The villager is upside down, as if hanging from the chain and it seems that the Stonecutter is drilling its head. What about it?
Fun Facts & Trivia
This block was originally exclusive in Pocket Edition, but was revamped and added to the Java Edition in update 1.14
Stonecutters are also present in the Nintendo 3DS version of Minecraft, but only as a decorative block and can only be obtained in the Creative inventory.
The saw of the stonecutter appears to be moving despite it not having any source of power in its crafting recipe.
The stonecutter had an old texture, which looked like a mixture between a Furnace, a Dispenser, and the deleted Gear item.
Blocko Ratings
Today's Blocko Rating for this block, the Stonecutter is
GOOD: Useful Economical Awesome Looking Fits In The Game Well
BAD: No Planks Allowed Ugly Display
That's it for this week's BOTD post! See you tommorow!
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Could anyone list all the objects, blocks, items, etc. related to snow? I'm tryna make a mod, and I always think I'm missing something because I need to come up with a crafting recipe.
88 Votes in Poll
By having low connection, and probably a slow laptop/pc, so when you mine fast, you can see through the mineeed blocks for 2 seconds, but you can't see if it's lava or not, I fell to lava, should've done a 2 lines mining