They do anything for seeds...
75 Votes in Poll
Once I was playing on survival mode and I thought ''Hey! I have two shovels... And what if I build a boat?'' Then I builded my boat and I started navigating. I saw Underwater ruins. I turned around and.... I was lost YAY!
I saw an Island, I was going straight on it and then ❗it was a Mushroom biome !!!!!!!
I always wanted to see more farming tools in minecraft, like a scythe or something. I was thinking it could be used as a weapon, a tool for cutting crops and maybe used by a new mob. The way it could work is by holding it and walking through tall grass or crops and it automatically cuts it, maybe 2 rows at a time. I was also thinking it would be neat to see a pillager mob have one or an undead mob with one, like death.
And boats, we need more boats in minecraft. Not saying we need motorized boats but we need a better variety like sailboats and small ships or rafts. I realize we just had a water update but in the next one, they need to add more boats. I was also thinking about an obsidian boat for lava travel, although I don’t like the idea myself.
Just gonna add real quick, who would like to see the nether reactor re-added?
What do you guys thing about these?
Thanks for reading.