Welcome! I know some of you guys, including @MinecraftCavesAndCliffs. are excited about the journey into the world of writing and i am glad to aid and guide you on this journey. up to 20 people can be in the blog. 2 to 3 excersises per post. Post twice a week. It is a blog on my personal Fandom Page, here:
If you prefer, here is the content and the excersises:
Welcome Writers from all over the world!! Welcome to my writing master class! Posts every week and fun writing excerisises on the theme of Minecraft! MasterClass finishes in 2 months with posts 2 times a week. Subscribe to the MasterClass in the comments! 3 Excersises per lesson and fun for the whole family!
Remeber, you don't have to do all the excersises in one day. It's absolutely fine to do 1 or 2, take a break, do something, but most importantly, DREAM ON AND KEEP WRITING!!
Exercise 1: The Random Story
Your mission is to write a story about Minecraft, Mobs, a player... anything!
You will be given a list of words that have to be in the story. Here they are
Write the story down in the comments. Must be between 50 and 50000000000000000000000000 words. Enjoy! (also, you don't have to write so many words, down, i don't want one of my students having a stroke)
Have Fun!
Excersise 2: To Steve Or Not To Steve
To Steve or not to Steve, that is the question. Exactly! Just because you're not a big fan of ShakethatSpeare (oh tommorow, tommorow, tommorow) doesn't mean that you have to (How now, Malvolio?!) give up! Write your own (This is Illyria, my lady) Shakespeare style Minecraft story, about (Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?) anything you like! You can even combine (Beware the Ides of March...) the story from Excerise 1 with this one and make the ultimate prose of thou dreams!
Thanks for doing todays excersises! See you on the weekend! Subscribe to me! And Write On!