Do u guys have any name for my bow and sword so plz suggest me in replies
Do u guys have any name for my bow and sword so plz suggest me in replies
So enchantments, something that can make a tool better. I've been wondering what would be the best SWORD. (I play 1.15 so no Netherite) My Diamond Sword has Sharpness V Fire Aspect II Knockback II Unbreaking III Mending I and Looting III. I'll include my pickaxe aswell since pickaxes and swords are tools most people use. Unbreaking III Efficiency V Fortune III Mending I. I'll tell my bow too since its the secondary pvp weapon, Unbreaking III Flame I Punch II Power V Infinity I, sometimes I use instant harming arrows or instant healing for the wither but infinity doesn.t do that with special arrows.
If anybody cares, I made a guide to getting the perfect sword and bow. First I will go over then enchantments and then how to get a weapon with them.
Netherite Sword enchantments:
Unbreaking III
Sharpness V (Rather than Smite or BOA because it affects all mobs)
Fire Aspect II
Knockback II
Looting III
Use the following also if you have Java edition(exclusive):
Sweeping Edge III
Bow Enchantments:
Infinity (rather than mending because new bows are easy to make)
Unbreaking III
Punch II
Power V
The best way to get these on a weapon is to use books. You can enchant books at an enchanting table.
To combine books (and weapons), you need an anvil. Always put the book with more enchantments on it in the first slot, as it will cost less.
You can also enchant the weapon (using enchanting table) once to get a boost also.
If anybody wants, I'll make one of these for armor, tridents, etc.
Can you guess what is the original?
Bows have been having SEVERE arrow drop when shot. Is that fair to the add of bedrock better at PvP?
Damage : unenchanted bow deals 9-10 points, power V deals 24. 4 seconds if flame enchanted.
crossbow deals 9 points of damage. Piercing allows more than one mob to be damaged in a row. Multishot shoots three arrows.
Crafting : bow requires 3 sticks and 3 string and can be traded with fletchers.
Crossbow requires almost the same except 1 iron and 1 tripwire hook, which is made of 1 iron.
Enchantments : bow has power, flame, infinity and punch
Crossbow has multishot, piercing and quick charge.
[In real combat]
During mob fights : crossbow can injure groups of mobs, useful for charging into the fray
Bow can deal flame damage and can kill instantly with power IV or V, useful for sniping
During PVP : crossbow is useful for many enemies, but reloads slow without enchantments. To shoot rapidly one must get many.
Bow can easily kill anyone without armor or low armor and deal flame damage. It can be fired rapidly in close combat.
In conclusion, the bow is better.
I play on XBOX and am mediocre at all types of combat (both PvE and PvP). Does anybody have tips for how I can get better?
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