Does anyone else read and freaking LOVE them? Because I do.
Does anyone else read and freaking LOVE them? Because I do.
I decided to put a picture up of my hamilcats because pride is not the word I'm looking for, there is so much more inside me now...
The calicos with the purple collars are Theodosia and Theo Jr, pink collar calico is Angelica, yellow collar calico is And Peggy, red collar calicos are Eliza and Maria (I don't have dye for Eliza yet). The Siamese with the purple collar is Aaron Purr, red collar Siamese is Laurens, blue collar Siameses are Washington and Alexander. I'm holding off breeding more till I have more name tags, but the next one I have will be Lafayette. Also the reason they're all near my bed is because they all jumped onto it and pushed each other off, and some of them fell off with the pure momentum of jumping on which was pretty hilarious
There's a witch outside my base. My nine cats (Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, Alexander, Aaron Purr, Laurens, Washington, Maria, and Theodosia) and I have been barricaded inside but I need to go out eventually. I have to kill the witch. Any advice? I don't want her to kill any of my babies :( especially Washington he's still a kitten CatAr
What boys see:
What girls see:
What parents see:
In Minecraft, there's Orange Tabby (if i spelled it right), yea looks orange. So i used it as my pet and named it Kocheng Oren.
- What is Kocheng Oren?
Kocheng Oren is a words from Jakarta language, often as Indonesian Meme. Kocheng Oren was a spelled of "Kucing Orange", in English "Orange Cat"
- is Kocheng Oren was inspired to Minecraft? And, if yes, where does you inspired?
Yes, it is. It was inspired from Indonesian Channel broadcast Trans7 Fact or Fake. I love that name and that channel broadcast.
- Can you take a screenshot to proof it?
Here we go...
I set him as The King of Minecraft and i love him.
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Read the rules before you ask.
Srry if this is off topic. It looked like we needed one.
Plz dont come to this post to insult cats. If you do it will be reported.
Hey Minecraft fans, MrDeadGuy here, I am looking for a challenge, and i thought you guys would have suggestions? The draft is to suggest an NPC structure you think should exist, and then I'll pick my favourites and build them, hopefully I'll post some screen shots too. Thanks gois
81 Votes in Poll
What's your favorite mob/animal in the game? Mine would have to be a wolf or cat
So I was just building another house for a neighbor, and my world was not a server, so no one could move there, so I spawned two villagers. As soon as I spawned them, they were running out of their house and stared at my house through the fence. I found them both on my lawn, and I thought, "I guess having roommates would be fine." So I let them stay, and spawned some more villagers in the new house, and they keep running towards my house. Soon, there were like a bagillion villagers on my property, breaking into my house, and moving Chumpie, PurPur, and Princess literally everywhere. It's now gotten to the point where my pets and I were evicted by the villagers. Now we are staying in a Taiga forest in a pink tent, while we were there, Chumpie and Princess had a puppy. But we are now living in the middle of nowhere and no chests for food, pet items, etc. Now those villagers changed the way I see them. I used to see villagers as friendly mobs, now I see them as intruders for everyone's house. I will still post pictures of my pets.
(If you didn't know the name Bozkurt means gray wolf in Turkish. And Fatih means conqueror.)
Apparently, I decided to cook some food, and she got hungry as soon as I started cooking...
Chumpie and PurPur do a lot of weird things in my house that I couldn't take any more, so I made a house for them. They both love it!