Well feel free to use these sprites.
This is in game footage. This takes place in mighty hoax level 2-1. :)
I created a Let's Play. I called it ChickenCraft because I had the community celebration chicken skin on. anyway, this is how it went:
I started out in a taiga. Got stuff from bonus chest and was just about to punch some trees when i saw a village in the distance. I ran there and found it was a zombie village. I looted the place (it was massive) and got some saplings and iron tools. I then explored a bit and found a hidey hole to sleep in, since I snatched a bed from the village. Made a hole in the hill I had chosen and slept. Then, I went mining and found a big ravine. Got some coal next day, and torched the place up a bit. Then started work on my base. Worked for like 15 minutes and got the main idea done. That was it for day 1. Watch my video on it and my reactions on YouTube:
100 Chicken sized Zombies, or 10 Zombie sized Chickens?
The chickens in the box without lava lay eggs, the eggs get transported thorough the redstone system, into a dispenser that shoots the eggs into the second box, baby chickens are less than a half block tall, so the lava doesn't kill them, but when they become adult chickens, they burn in the lava and give you cooked chicken
I basically found a baby chicken in my survival world with friends, and here you go:
So I was playing Minecraft PE and I had about 15 chickens. I went mining and came back and only one was left. If you think you know what happened please tell me.
I threw a egg at a lantern, and it spawned a chicken. But the chicken was stuck in the lantern.