For a minigame i'm making for me and my friends
For a minigame i'm making for me and my friends
I found an IP address and I want to connect to the server via command block, I found a Crazy Craft IP address, and I wanna cheat to play it, I play on switch so I'm trying to find away around to other servers. Cause I'm making one myself for my family. SO HELP!
HP: 90%
I've tried doing:
/effect @e strength 1800000 245
/effect @e health_boost 1800000 245
/effect @e regeneration 120 245
But that didn't work... So how do I make a strong zombie using commands?
Also how do I spawn a Zombie with enchanted Netherite armor and a Enchanted Netherite Sword?
Pls give me the right commands and instrux to do this!!
Is there any command that can locate me and do an action? I mean like you play a map, then you go to room and command block saw you and send a message in the chat. If there any commands like this please name it. Sorry for my bad english.
Put down 4 repeating commandblocks(purple) and set to always active
First command: /data merge entity @e[type=minecraft:arrow,limit=1] {NoGravity:1b}
Second: /execute at @e{type=minecraft:minecraft:arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}} run summon minecraft:tnt
Third /execute at @e {type=minecraft:arrow} run particle minecraft:sneeze
Fourth: /kill @e{type=minecraft:arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}}
Before firing an arrow run this command: /kill @e{type=minecraft:arrow}
Note: there can only be ONE laser arrow on screen and if there is more then 1 on screen; it will NOT be affected by zero gravity but they will still explode on impact.
So remember if the arrow is not affected by 0 gravity; do
/kill @e{type=minecraft:arrow}
Also do /gamerule commandblockoutput false
Hi everyone!
I'm working on an adventure map style project, and I want to be able to make some villagers speak. Problem is, I have no clue how. I know commands well enough, but I've never tried to do something like this. I did some research, but nothing I could find would work in 1.16, or it just didn't work at all. I know it can be done, but I can't figure out how to do it. Anyone have any ideas?
82 Votes in Poll
The phantom bomber
Commands(put in repeating command blocks ,always active)
execute at @e[type= minecraft:phantom] run tp @e[type= minecraft:phantom] ^1 ^ ^
execute at @e[type= minecraft:phantom] run tp @e[type=minecraft:phantom] ~ 100 ~
effect give @e[type= minecraft:phantom] minecraft:fire_resistance 1000000 255
execute at @e[type=minecraft:phantom] run summon arrow ~ ~-1 ~
5th command block
execute at @e[type= minecraft:arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}] run summon minecraft:tnt
Put a chain command block on top of the 5th command block
Set to always active
kill @e[type= arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}]
Spawn a phantom
Place 3 command blocks
Set them to repeat mode
And set it to always active
First command:
execute at @e[type=minecraft:spectral_arrow] run summon minecraft:arrow
Second command:
kill @e[type=minecraft:spectral_arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}]
Third command:
execute at @e[type=arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}] run summon minecraft:tnt
Get a crossbow and get a spectral arrow, load it up and fire
How it works is when you fire a spectral arrow the command block summon a arrow at the current position of the spectral arrow with a delay of 1 tick
Which creates a line of arrows
Since the arrow are summoned they have no momentum it falls on the spot
The second command kills the spectral arrow when it lands so it cant spawn more arrows to prevent lag
The third command summons a "primed tnt" (which is an instant explode tnt)
When the arrow (summoned by the spectral arrow) touches the ground
And the tnt launches the arrow up in the sky and re-land on the location approximate to where it last lands and summons an other tnt which launches the arrow in the air again
This repeats until the arrow reaches bedrock or despawn
This may lag
You can use a bow as long as you use a spectral arrow
Use the this command to stop lag if there is any
/kill @e[type=minecraft:arrow]
A demonstration
I Dare you to use this command
/effect @s slowness 20 255
So I'm making a base in my creative world, and I built a cage of Dinnerbone villagers. Then i used a command block to give them levitation so it looks like they're walking on the ceiliing. I'll post a screenshot to my Xbox activity feed, my gamertag is Nemisan7017.
If so, how often do you use them? And how good are you with them?
138 Votes in Poll
I am making a kit pvp world and I’m struggling with command blocks. I am trying to create floating text so people could know were they go to when they’re in spawn. If someone could give me the command and explain it to me than that would be appreciated.
I am making a kit pvp world and I’m struggling with command blocks. I am trying to create floating text so people could know were they go to when they’re in spawn. If someone could give me the command and explain it to me than that would be appreciated.
No tab on need to type the whole command with correct spelling...