Here are some example prototypes, but share textures that you made!
Prototype 1:
Prototype 2:
Prototype 3:
Prototype 4:
The current Crafting Table bottom texture is the same as Oak Planks:
Here are some example prototypes, but share textures that you made!
Prototype 1:
Prototype 2:
Prototype 3:
Prototype 4:
The current Crafting Table bottom texture is the same as Oak Planks:
So what's the hardest material in minecraft?
Cobblestone? No.
Iron? No.
Obsidian? No.
Diamonds? No.
Netherite? No.
Wood? Yes.
Why? This theory originates from the most important block in Minecraft... The crafting table.
When you're crafting a diamond tool/sword/armor piece
You're transforming standard oval-shaped diamonds into different shapes.
How do you do that? Of course, you need something stronger than the diamond itself to reshape it. And the crafting table's strong enough to reshape diamonds. So how do you create a crafting table? Four humble wood planks.
What about netherite? You use smithing tables don't you? Well, don't forget the ore blocks. 9 netherite ingots = 1 block of netherite. Exactly - if you want to reshape netherite, then the crafting table used must be even stronger.
How many ways are there to craft a campfire?
Answer: 7,592,832,000!
There are 8 types of wood available: oak, spruce, jungle, birch, dark oak, acacia, warped stem, crimson stem.
The crafting recipe of campfire requires 3 sticks, 1 fuel, and 3 woods or logs.
There are 65 ways to craft a stick (Planks x 2 or Bamboo x 2) : Each plank can be crafted from one of the eight types of wood (Hence 8 x 8) or with 2 bamboo blocks. (8 x 8 + 1 = 65)
The fuel can be coal or charcoal (2 possibilities)
There are 24 available logs/stripped logs/wood blocks possible. 8 types of logs, 8 types of stripped logs, and 8 types of wood blocks.
Therefore, 65 x 65 x 65 x 2 x 24 x 24 x 24 =
This giant crafting table has ~5000 blocks and was (of course!) built using a few commands at the same time.
Now you can teleport straight to the top and live inside the "house"!
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