Me : "Pfft I dont care Mining straight down I mean What Happened if Im digging straight down"
"Digging noises"
"Lava sound"
"plop noises"
"Player hurt sound"
"Player death sound"
"CombyNiam1101 tried to swim in lava"
"Sreaming 10yr old kid Noises"
126 Votes in Poll
Me : "Pfft I dont care Mining straight down I mean What Happened if Im digging straight down"
"Digging noises"
"Lava sound"
"plop noises"
"Player hurt sound"
"Player death sound"
"CombyNiam1101 tried to swim in lava"
"Sreaming 10yr old kid Noises"
Hello community my name is Alexander or just Alex, I am here today to discuss with you guys a glitch that killed me in my hardcore world.
It started with a beautifully sunny day which i didn’t know was the last day im going to have on my 246 day hardcore world.
I wanted to visit my nether portal and make some improvements when suddenly i got attacked by pillagers (because i could hear crossbows) which i didn’t really take as a threat, why well its because i knew i could live by just running but this time I couldn’t. This is because there was a wall around my nether portal and thus i just hid there. What i didn’t know is that me, ME I got a glitch not a different person somewhere else in the world ME so i stood there while arrows where being shot thru the cracks of my walls (me not having blocks or being smart enough to go thru my nether portal) i tried to use my shield but what i didn’t know was that they surrounded me and the main thing is, (the reason why im mad and this is a glitch) is because the were INVISIBLE YEAH INVISIBLE.
This is the end i died because my shield broke and my armor didn’t have thorns. I died a very tragic death and lost 1 and a half months of work. This was my glitch I was attacked by invisible pillagers.
Please be aware and spread this glitch to help mojang.
A lot of stuff today!
I forgot to save & quit last time so i died. looked for my house forever and found it!
Lost nothing. Yey! Went mining, built my base a bit and terraformed my mountain a bit. Got iron tools, found massive lava pits and gold! no diamonds tho :(
Did a lot of stuff, and can't remeber it all. Here is my video:
Hope you can catch the premiere!
So I was trying to make a balcony for my Minecraft house and then my dog (Ivy) teleported to me and I tried to get her back inside but then she jumped off the balcony and landed on a campfire and died. Then about a week later I was exploring an abandoned mine when a bunch of gravel suffocated me and my dog (duke) and we both died. Then yesterday I was walking with my dog (molly) through a village and I was trading a villager and I accidentally hit him and molly attacked him then the iron golem chased us and killed molly. So now I lost all my dogs :(
I was running on a platform above lava, when a ghast decided to shoot the netherrack 5 blocks in front of me, and I fell, with all my blaze rods and gold falling into lava
106 Votes in Poll