I am probably going to do some research about Elytras. Something about them is really fishy. But it’s fun anyways. I’ll notify you guys about it.
Goodnight =^=
121 Votes in Poll
I am probably going to do some research about Elytras. Something about them is really fishy. But it’s fun anyways. I’ll notify you guys about it.
Goodnight =^=
45 Votes in Poll
We have a rule where if someone makes a shop, you cant set up the exact same shop unless they tell you to. Someone was planning to make a creeper farm and sell the gunpowder and be rich but then had to get off to sleep. So I stayed up until midnight so I could make a creeper farm and be the only one on the server to make a creeper farm. Now I'm making the sugarcane farm.
Also, we need the gunpowder for fireworks because we just killed the dragon.
61 Votes in Poll
87 Votes in Poll
Yep thats an evoker fang behind me...
I almost dies here cuz of them
So today I was playing Minecraft with my brother. He was mad at me for some reason and put me into visitor. I then went on top of a tower and jumped off, trying to use my elytra. But, instead of my elytra making me fly, I flew like how you fly in creative! I showed my brother and we both freaked out! We broke the game! If you've had this happen to you, or you know why this happened, please tell me in the comments.
I tried tapping but it doesn’t work.?