@Alguienmasparaestawiki 6
Ok I'm not trying to brag because most of you already have this stuff.
I have defeated the ender dragon 2 times, I have the egg, The End Portal is under My house. I have a Fortune III Unbreaking III Efficiency IV Netherite Pickaxe, a Unbreaking II Riptide III trident, a Fire aspect II Unbreaking I Sharpness IV Looting I Netherite Sword, a Sharpness II Looting II Unbreaking II Netherite Sword, 3 Conduits, 245 Xp Levels, 53 Diamonds, 5 stacks of Iron, 3 stacks of gold, 4 stack of block of coal, 2 stacks of Lapiz Lazuli, 3 stacks of Redstone(That one no big feat) a Normal Trident, a Channeling I enchanted Book, Diamond Armor, 2 netherite scraps, found a Bastion Remnant with 23 blocks of gold, I have a Respawn Anchor, Village with 2 villagers(THEY JUST WON'T BREED!) Every single kind of vegetable, Chorus fruit, 3 Water Breathing 8:00 min, Friend that eats pufferfish and drinks harming II potions(That's Not very bright now is it?) Elytra, 2 Dragon Heads, A parrot up until recently RIP Eden, A bunch of wood, Finally found a Swamp so some slime balls, and thats about how much I've done, Working on to fight the wither once I'm ungrounded.
That was more of a rant lol!
Have a Fantastic Friday!(I'm Not, No Video Games This Weekend. UGHHH)
SoulReaper aka Jonasaurus Rex1