As you may know, Mojang is showing caves some much-deserved love. Y'know what else needs love? That's right, dudes, the End! As MatPat said, the End kinda feels like where they ran out of money. It's in desperate need of an update. So if Mojang does show it some love, here's what I think they should add:
☆ As many of you already know, the End has five biomes (not gonna list 'em all here, you'll have to look 'em up for yourself). It'd be great if they added one or two more biomes to the End.
☆ If you're a Cube Kid fan, you're probably aware of the character known as Greyfellow, a gray Enderman with blue eyes who uses magic. If you are, you'll know that he's an Endermage (an Enderman who uses magic). Endermages should be canon in my opinion. They'd look like Endermen with white witch hats. They'd spawn in End cities, Nether fortresses, and cabins in the woods and have an enchanting table and carry enchanted swords and bows. They don't attack unless you attack them, walk into their cabins, take their enchantment table, or attack a baby Enderman (more on those later). Endermages are smarter than other Endermen and typically found alone. When killed, they drop an Ender Pearl, an enchanted weapon or book, or lapis lazuli. They have a 5% chance of dropping a diamond. About 1 in every 25 Endermen you'll see would be an Endermage.
☆ It makes no sense that there aren't baby Endermen. There are baby variants of other humanoid mobs (except maybe skeletons), so why not Endermen? Baby Endermen would be found with at least one adult Enderman and maybe one or two other baby Endermen. They throw a block at you that deals damage if it hits you and its landing point is indicated by a small red ring, a bit like Ghast fireballs. You can hit it back, and the baby Enderman will catch it and, after a couple seconds, throw it back. While this is happening, adult Endermen don't attack you, but will keep a watchful eye. If the block hits the ground, you can pick it up. If you attack a baby Enderman, all adult Endermen in the area will become angry and start attacking, and all baby Endermen will teleport to safety. Baby Endermen do the same if an adult Enderman is attacked. They don't drop anything upon death.
☆ There would be an Overworld variant of Shulkers that looks like obsidian. They are rarer than the ones found in the End, and their bullets inflict weakness. They are found underground only, and never near ruined portals.
☆ Ender Pearls could be combined with potions to cause the potion's effect when they hit the ground, so it would be good for sneak attacks on mobs. The pearls can't be affected by multiple potions at once, so one potion per pearl. The pearl would affect the user only, so it won't affect any mobs it hits, unlike a splash potion.
☆ If you use an Ender Pearl in the End, then if an Endermite were to appear, instead of one, there would be two, but the likelihood is greatly reduced.
☆ Two new music discs would be added. One would only be found in End city chests, the other only found in End city ship chests.
☆ If two Ender chests are placed next to each other, they would make a large Ender chest, but the items in them will only appear in other large Ender chests.
☆ Two new blocks called Chiseled End Stone and Chiseled Purpur would be added. Chiseled End Stone depicts the Ender Dragon and Chiseled Purpur depicts an Eye Of Ender.