Ender Sender is a treasure enchantment that deals extra damage to endermites, enderman, shulkers, and the ender dragon. You can only find this enchantment either in end ships where the ender guardians are (My mob idea) or rarely next to the broken ender portals you see in the overworld. It has three levels. The first one does 2+. The second one is 4+ and the third one is 8+ You can't get this on enchantment tables you have to combine a sword or axe on a anvil with this enchantment. This enchantment can not be use with bane of arthropods. But can be used with smite and sharpness. This enchantment is on the Ender Guardians sword. But it doesn't effect you. You could farm swords from the ender guardians since they have this enchantment on it. But it is a very rare drop.