Me: Running out of water while I'm cooking the porkchop* (...I know there's no oil in Minecraft, is just a JOKE)
Gordon Ramsay:
Me: Running out of water while I'm cooking the porkchop* (...I know there's no oil in Minecraft, is just a JOKE)
Gordon Ramsay:
Is been long time, you thought this What if Gordon Ramsay was in Minecraft I been give up? Nope, is back! Go there if you like to see more. . . (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Me: Tadaaaaaaaaaa!
Gordon Ramsay:
Here are some of my Ideas
. Cave Update
. Combat Update V2
. Quest Update
. Food Update
. Biome Update
. Wildlife Update
(New Heaven-like Dimension).
I made a sprite/pixel art of my idea for a Sweet Berry Pie!!!
Made from 1 sugar, 1 egg, and 2 sweet berries. It restores 8 hunger (4 whole drumsticks) and can be sold by farmer villagers in taiga biomes.
How would you obtain it? Would it be farmable? Could you craft it into something, or is it crafted? How much hunger would it restore?