Male MUTO 173·7/12/2020in PollWhich of these should you throw away if your inventory Is full after miningIron oreGold oreEmerald DiamondRedstoneLapis lazuli Vote125 Votes in Poll(Edited by administrators)RedstoneDiamondEmeraldGold IngotIron OreGold OreLapis LazuliIron Ingot
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Steel Shelly·4/4/2020in PollIf you made a minecraft economy, what would be the currency?Cobblestone Iron Gold Diamond Other Multiple ItemsVote164 Votes in PollDiamondGold IngotItemsCobblestone
Captain Jonathan Glover·11/21/2019in GeneralWhich do you rather?20 Gold Ingots10 Iron Ingots1 DiamondVote135 Votes in PollDiamondGold Ingot