Behaivor: Netrual
Attack strength: Easy: 1 Normal: 1.5 Hard: 2
Hitbox: 2 Blocks tall and 1 block wide
Animation: A player.
Attack Methods:
Punch: Just as strong as a player hitting.
Sword: Has a wooden sword. +1 heart lost.
Arch: A bow. Has 10 arrows, and will hunt skeletons for arrows. +0.5 hearts lost.
Zoom: When it goes low on health, it sprints and then eats to regenerate. +2 hearts lost.
Explosion: Has 15 TNT. Hunts creepers and mines sand if out of TNT, and mines iron and gravel if flint and steel broke. As strong as a creeper.
Destruction: When it lost you, it will mine until they find you. +0.5 hearts lost.
Like players, every hostile mob is hostile to them.
Found: Overworld
Biome: Any
Looks like: New steve
1 Iron pickaxe, 5% chance.
10 TNT, 4% chace.
1 wooden sword, 10% chance.
1 flint and steel. 1.10% chance.
1 potion of swiftness, 0.01% chance.
Health: 10 hearts