Just downloaded the newest version of Minecraft. What is the most optimal level to make a strip mine right now?? Has someone tested this?
Me : "Pfft I dont care Mining straight down I mean What Happened if Im digging straight down"
"Digging noises"
"Lava sound"
"plop noises"
"Player hurt sound"
"Player death sound"
"CombyNiam1101 tried to swim in lava"
"Sreaming 10yr old kid Noises"
Plz help me, i need diamonds.
I have recently started a new world on PE and was strip mining for diamonds at y = 11. I found that some stone blocks took longer to break and a silverfish spawned from it. And it just died after 2-3 secs on its own. This happened quite a few times (about 4-5). I think silverfish generally spawns in the stronghold. Could this be a sign that I dug under the stronghold or is it some bug or feature that I don't know of.
P.S. - I don't have a screenshot atm, but will try to mine in that general area to find some more blocks like that and gather evidence. S
73 Votes in Poll
Mother: quickly finish your game!
Child : (still mining iron ) almost done!
20 minutes later...
M: are you done?
C: ( killing blazes) just a bit more!
30 minutes later...
M:Just stop your game!
C:( still fighting the dragon) wait!
(mother smashed the computer)
Villagers have jobs, so why shouldn't the players have some as well?
When you start a new world, you'll be greeted with a screen that has multiple options for different jobs. It starts with only a few: Farmer, Builder, Miner, or Fighter. Each job will give you different bonuses depending on which you choose.
The farmer will get more XP when gathering crops and breeding animals, and will receive more crops when harvesting.
Builders will have 3 more Inventory slots (to hold more blocks) and be able to break things slightly faster.
Miners will get more XP when mining, pickaxes will automatically have more durability, and smelting ores will take less time, even in a blast furnace!
Fighters will do more attack damage, have a highter likelihood of receiving better drops from mobs, and get more XP.
You can level up in different careers after spending XP, which can give higher bonuses and unlock specialized branches for the different careers, or reveal totally new jobs!
I know some of these are a bit OP, and this would be really different from vanilla Minecraft, so this would probably be better as a Mod
When digging straight down
I found my greatest treasure!
Minecraft Dreams Haiku
106 Votes in Poll
I recently returned from a mining expedition in caves near my home, and I got great stuff, including:
799 coal
294 iron ore
90 lapis lazuli
17 gold ore
And six redstone dust, along with four iron ingots, a name tag, and a C418 - Cat music disc.
87 Votes in Poll
I play on XBOX 360 and its not completely upadated to the version now. It autosaves every 30 minutes. So I was mining and making like a staircase to a place and I put a lot of effort in it, just because. Then my brother comes in and turns off my XBOX WITHOUT ME SAVING IT. I mean he didn't erase a lot but it took a lot of time and stuff to get the materials and I just rage quit.