Put down 4 repeating commandblocks(purple) and set to always active
First command: /data merge entity @e[type=minecraft:arrow,limit=1] {NoGravity:1b}
Second: /execute at @e{type=minecraft:minecraft:arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}} run summon minecraft:tnt
Third /execute at @e {type=minecraft:arrow} run particle minecraft:sneeze
Fourth: /kill @e{type=minecraft:arrow,nbt={inGround:1b}}
Before firing an arrow run this command: /kill @e{type=minecraft:arrow}
Note: there can only be ONE laser arrow on screen and if there is more then 1 on screen; it will NOT be affected by zero gravity but they will still explode on impact.
So remember if the arrow is not affected by 0 gravity; do
/kill @e{type=minecraft:arrow}
Also do /gamerule commandblockoutput false