What do people think about a new type of Nether Fortress, like a broken-down Nether Fortress? Similar to an Abandoned Village, it might just spawn instead of a regular fortress.
What do people think about a new type of Nether Fortress, like a broken-down Nether Fortress? Similar to an Abandoned Village, it might just spawn instead of a regular fortress.
After 1.16 it is impossible to find it. I lost 3 full iron and 1 full diamond. Help me please.
Use this AMPLIFIED java seed: 5594081170995478782.
It has a nether fortress near spawn in the nether.
Version: 20w51a
Edition: Java
Settings: AMPLIFIED = true
Biome: Soul Sand Valley
The seed is: netherfortress btw it's a java seed. I did /seed and it was: -1534796938.
I was in a middle of speedrunning without wood and died in the nether fortress by a wither skeleton, and I went back the nether fortress was not there, and a hoglin sneaked back and killed me. I don't like 1.16. The fortress was in a warped forest and I was in the SAME warped forest, it wasn't there.
Does anyone have any tips on finding nether fortresses in 1.16 ?
In the new survival world my friends and I are playing in, we've just found a fortress. It's quite a large one but everything seems to be opened space, with no rooms and corridors. And of course, no nether wart room. We're just wondering if not all fortresses have nether wart, or we just haven't looked carefully enough for an entrance to the indoor rooms.
Please help because we really need nether warts and if not we'll have to look for more fortresses...
I made an minecraft AMV of Dream (A Youtuber) singing about The Nether Update with his friend George (Another Youtuber, AKA GeorgeNotFound)
It's on a website called Scratch, it's non-profit website where you can make games and animations. You don't need an account to watch it. Just make sure to read everything on the right first.
32 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll
Me and my Minecraft friend will be live on mixer the name is Flamin_Yazan. I don’t have a mixer account he does though. We will do this to find the nether fortress, wither boss fight, ender dragon boss fight, and end city exploration. it will be tomorrow