I mean, I may be on the Xbox, and I may have been in Creative, but it's still Bedrock Edition, and I couldn't get Mending and Unbreaking on the same sword on Bedrock Creative (on PC) so how-
This is beyond illegal
I mean, I may be on the Xbox, and I may have been in Creative, but it's still Bedrock Edition, and I couldn't get Mending and Unbreaking on the same sword on Bedrock Creative (on PC) so how-
This is beyond illegal
I used commands to get a netherite sowrd with evry enchant for sowrds
Electrum can only be found in gravelly mountains+, at Y 5-Y 2. Can be used to upgrade netherite. What steve looks like with the helmet:
Each piece of armor you put on will give 1 level of Swiftness. Also has 5+ knockback resistence. The durbality is 5,200.
Using it on a sword will give it free looting III.
Using it on an axe will chop down the entire tree (including the leaves)
Using it on a pick will give you Luck 10 until you take it out of your main hand.
Using it on a shovel will work on any block, as fast as a netherite tool.
Using it on a hoe will plow a 5x5 and the block in the middle will turn into water.
Block of Electrum Produces a unlimited redstone signal, and is movable, making it great for redstone. To make it, fill up the crafting table with Electrum Shards. Also a store of electrum.
Electrum Ingot Used to upgrade your netherite tools. Crafted by 4 Electrum Shards and 4 Crystalized Electrum.
Conveyor Belt Improved hoppers. Better than the water streams because it does not have a limited range, but does not have an animated texture. To make it, fill up the two sides with iron ingots, fill up the rest with black wool, and replace the middle with Crystalized Electrum. Cannot be right-clicked accessed, and cannot pick up items on it.
Redstone Dust Basically surround Crystalized Electrum with red dye.
Crystalized Electrum looks like quartz but lime and yellow. 🙃
It is stronger than netherite, void-proof and lava-proof, and found in the outer end. Mining one will give you 2 void shards, and 6 is required for 1 void ingot. To make it, read below.
Craft diamond armor.
Mine 4 ancient debris.
Craft netherite.
Forge it into netherite.
Forge it into void.
Comes with a new enchantment: "Fly". The max height increases by the enchantment level. Max level is 10. First enchantment with the max level 10. Level 1 lets you go up to 10 blocks. Level 2 is 25. Level 3 is 50. Level 4 is 100. Level 5 is 500. Level 6 is 1000. Level 7 is 5000. Level 8 is 10000. Level 9 is 25000. Level 10 is 100000. Only enchanted by Enchanted Books. 1% chance to spawn in end cities, and a 0.99% chance it will spawn in end ships. Weapons come with a new enchantment called; "Siever". Max level is 1. It makes Sharpness and Sweeping Edge combaitable into 1, meaning this is only in java.
It took a while, had to use some beds but eventually I found it
Note: *i havent made any ideas in the past so this will do*
Netherite knight is the mob of the nether and wields a netherite giant sized axe and deals damage to the player and left alone the mob becomes a statue similar to ferrous wroughnaut
The Netherite knight has 300 heatlh and is very tanky
The damage is the same as the warden being able to 3 shot you
Its resilience is being able to swim in lava and cannot die from fall damage and cant be hit with bows or crossbows
Its disadvantage is water if it goes in the water it will rust in a warped netherite rust and die and its weakness is when his slams his axe it gets stuck use this to your advantage
When the netherite knight turns into a statue it can be used for decoration for builds and is stronger than the warden being able to 1 shot any mob the netherite knight is the guardian of blackstone bastions and are ancient knights of the nether
Drop a netherite tool into lava, and the stick dosent burn... LOGIC
What is maximum damage reduction possible in survival.
Full netherite with protection 4
Feather falling 2 on netherite boots
Resistance from god apple(or beacons)
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