You can use 'em if you like - all pictures are taken on the Bedrock Edition seed -1612385161 in v1.16.201
The ravine also comes with a day version if you like it better
You can use 'em if you like - all pictures are taken on the Bedrock Edition seed -1612385161 in v1.16.201
The ravine also comes with a day version if you like it better
81 Votes in Poll
A tropical fish that will hunt other fish and attack you if you hold any shiny objects
Behavior: Neutral / Aggressive
HP: 8 / 16 hitpoints
ATK: Easy:4 / Normal:6 / Hard:8
Size: 1/2 block tall and 2 blocks long
Drops: 0-2 bones, 0-2 tropical fish and 3-4 experience
As fast as your swimming speed
Spawns uncommonly in groups of 2-4 in Warm and Lukewarm Oceans
Spawns more frequently in coral reefs
Is neutral until hit or if you hold any shiny items or raw and cooked meats or wear any shiny items
Shiny items include Buckets (including filled buckets), Bottles o' enchanting, End crystals, Ender pearls, Eyes of Ender, Flint and steel, Potions, Minecarts (Including Minecarts with items in them), Tridents, Iron tools and armor, Gold tools and armor, Diamond tools and Armor, Netherite tools and armor, Compasses, Clocks, Enchanted golden armor, Golden apples, Iron ingots, Gold ingots, Diamonds, Amethyst shards, Nether quartz, Netherite Ingots, Iron Nuggets, Gold Nuggets, Chainmail Armor, Chains, Lanterns, Spectral Arrows, Spyglasses, Totems of undying, Shields, Shears, Blaze powder and rods, Ender rods, Copper ingots, Flint, Emeralds, Dragon's breath, Glowstone and glowstone dust, Glistering melon slice, Heart of the sea, Enchanted books, Nether stars, Prismarine shards and crystals, Sea lanterns, Prismarine blocks, Enchanted items
Will kill fish occasionally
A neutral deep ocean mob that can attract other fish
Behavior: Neutral/Territorial
HP: 15 / 30 hitpoints
ATK: Easy: 2 / Normal: 4 / Hard: 7
Size: 1 block tall and 1.5 blocks tall
Drops: 3-5 Experience
Normal fish speed normally but when aggroed it is twice as fast
Spawns in deep oceans
Creates an aura of light with the light level of 10 around it and lure glows
Attracts fish up to 8 blocks away and when it kills one the rest swim away
Can be caught in a bucket
If you get closer than 2 blocks to it it will turn aggressive
If you attack it, It will turn aggressive too
Hey everyone, I'm looking for a seed with an ocean with a jungle and a bamboo jungle right next to it. Does anyone know any ? Pls let me know .
I dont know how to find underwater ruin
Can someone please tell me what is this and why there wasnt any chest in it
I found a pirate ship sideways floating on a high iceberg and a mineshaft in the ocean found with lava in a tiny hole
(I can take screen shots if you want proof)
111 Votes in Poll