Why i like Minecraft cat?
Here is why
Phantom And creeper scared of a cat
99% They will sleep With you
After sleeping cat always giving an item in front of you
Why i like Minecraft cat?
Here is why
Phantom And creeper scared of a cat
99% They will sleep With you
After sleeping cat always giving an item in front of you
Endermen with flower crowns, they can not see you so it's ok to stare at them.
Villagers over water in some type of tower above water?
Ride dolphins, sure it may be animal abuse, but don't forget the damn achievement from a pig falling five plus blocks with a rider on it. Or, overworld striders.
Ocelots are semi-nocturnal, like foxes.
Pandas and ocelots can climb trees (other animals as well)
Kitty is a ocelot player.
She uses plants to torture her enemies, a lot after she rips them apart. If you want her to be in your world there are 3 ways to bring her. IF YOU DARE :3.
(If you want her your enemy) kill 200 cats in one world. She is a cat herself witch means this makes her rage.
(If you want her your friend) you have to use any cooked meat and rename it “Meow mix” for every Minecraft day.
(If you want her your friend/enemy) you have to build a black and yellow tower up to 10 blocks and at the bottom put 100 or more fish and a sword in a chest, then light the top on fire and throw a bone in the fire.
Ocelot are not in the mobs in minecraft drop-down menu that is on every mob page is that intentional?
Polar bears, husks, ocelot, and bats really need a proper use.
Polar bears only drop fish, which is easily obtainable by fishing.
Husks have the exact same drops as zombies, despite the fact they are slightly more difficult than zombies.
As of 1.14, ocelots no longer have a use, other than getting fish.
And bats. Bats don't even drop xp.