75 Votes in Poll
65 days before im ready to go to the nether
I found a group of parrots travel to a new place to live
I also make parrots dancing
58 Votes in Poll
117 Votes in Poll
So I was playing mc the other day, and i started a new world. I spawned close to a rain forest, and I went to it. I ended up getting seeds, and raided a villager for supplies. Then I came across my first parrot in the wild. I tamed it, and it rode on my shoulder, we took down a pillage outpost together. Then I fought a creeper, accidentally jumping too much, causing Parrot to fall off, and I clicked too quickly, killing the creeper, and my parrot.
84 Votes in Poll
(If you didn't know the name Bozkurt means gray wolf in Turkish. And Fatih means conqueror.)