Is it just me or do some of you guys get baby piglins and adopt them cuz if you wear gold armour they arent hostile and they never age up? i even made a baby room for mine :>
Is it just me or do some of you guys get baby piglins and adopt them cuz if you wear gold armour they arent hostile and they never age up? i even made a baby room for mine :>
The Ender Guardian will look like a knight but a end kind of color scheme. They act similar to piglins. Same health but different damage and certain behaviors. First The ender guardian will spawn naturally in end ships and if a player is near they will immediately attack you. They will attack by using a enchanted netherite sword with sharpness 1 and a new enchantment. But that will be a different discussion. They can be bartered with under certain circumstances. You must drop a ender pearl down at it and it will began to turn neutral. After doing that you can trade with them. There offers are netherite scraps, obsidian, ender pearls, and sometimes rarely a elytra. After enough trading with them they will began to turn peaceful. When peaceful you can tame them by using a end crystal. It will be now your body guard. Untamed: Damage 10-14 hit points, Drops: 1-2 obsidian 0-1 netherite scarps, 2-4 ender pearls and sometimes rarely they drop their sword. Tamed Health 50 points, Damage 20-24, *Note can still be bartered* drops: same for untamed.
Everybody I am going to explore nether first time in my world so please leave your tips in comment section.
Hey people, I was just wondering, can piglins barter any enchanted books aside from soul speed ?
I have a headcanon that one day a group of pigs wandered into the nether by accident. They developed shark tusks and thick hides to survive in the harsh climate, becoming the first hoglins. Soon, certain hoglins had evolved into the intelligent piglins. The piglins were primitive at first, but then discovered netherite. Using it, they built a mighty empire across the nether, creating gigantic fortresses to store their treasure. But one day a piglin trader discovered gold. The piglins became so distracted by its shininess that they forgot all about netherite. As they threw out the stronger material, their great civilization began to crumble. All the netherite sank deep underground and became ancient debris. These days, piglins live in small scattered clans. The piglin brutes that guard the bastion remnants are an order dedicated to preserving what still remains of their once-great empire.
Why is this on the Piglin Brute? (I did NOT put them there)
Why piglins hoglins and piglin brutes zombifing when come overworld or end
Remeber, about half a year ago, when i posted about a book i was writing? I have the whole thing. Please check out the link below and comment your opinion.
The book is about Oinker, a Piglin who lives in the Shroomlight's clans Crimson Forest. But after a visit from a strange "Evoker" and a Hoglin stampede, Oinker gets lost in dimensions.
This book contains zero fanfiction or new mobs, except for small details like piglin intelligence, new enchantments and new structures. Enjoy, and post your opinion! Also, should we start a book club on this? Please tell me. Bye!
73 Votes in Poll
Villager babies actually play with eachother, and so do villagers with their children! since this post is short ill say some breif things
Piglins can't dual weild.
Baby Piglins can hold Netherite Swords.
Hoglins and Piglins spawn in Peaceful Mode (i understand piglins but why hoglins)
And now for a segment called: Stupid Things!
If you touch a cactus with a real life thorns enchanted chestplate, will the cactus break or become more stronger.
How much heavier is crying obsidian to normal obsidion.
How does the wither plant the Rose?
Hey guys, welcome back to WMTF! And already on the 3d release! Today we will talk about a more survivalish Minecraft experience. Let's go!
NOTE: I already posted this on the wiki, but super late, so no-one saw the post and time has passed, so i re-posted it to see how things go.
Any Minecraft Story Mode trailer will tell you that the game we are discussing is vast and boundless. but there is more than one world. apart for the land in which we spawn, the OverWorld, there are two more dimensions, the hellish Nether and the strangely moon-like End. first, we will discuss the Nether.
First, to get to the nether, you need a 5х4 framework made out of obsidian. (Pro Tip. Obsidian is a dark block, found in the depths of the world or in underwater ravines) this framework is the portal. to activate it, you can use a firecharge, a flint and steel, or a burning block. you will be met with a purple glow inside the box. If you walk into the portal, you will be teleported to the Nether, but it takes a few seconds, so be patient. After stepping in, here is what you can find:
1. Zombified Piglins, (alias Ziglins) The zombie version of the Piglin and the re-texture of the Zombie Pigman. Spawns everywhere in the Nether
2. Piglins. Porkchops on two legs. you can barter with them by dropping gold in front of them or pressing the "Barter" button. attack players without gold armour. Neutral/Hostile. spawns everywhere.
2½. Piglin Brute. A mini-boss found in Bastions. These guys deal loads of damage, so don't mess with them, or else you will be in pig trouble.
3. Hoglins. Big muscular hunks of bacon that can easily take you out. Hostile. Crimson Forest.
4. Striders. Cute, ugly little things that can walk on lava. The ONLY passive mob found in the Nether. You can ride it with a saddle and a Warped Fungus On A Stick. (probably the longest item name ever) Passive
5. Blazes. Found in Nether Fortresses. drop Blaze Rods, used to make eyes of ender, in turn used to find the stronghold, to lead you to the End. Hostile
6. Wither Skeletons. Found, together with Blazes, in Fortresses. Have a chance to drop a Wither skull, which can be used to build the OP mini-boss, the Wither. Hostile
7. Magma Cubes. Variants of the Slime. super dangerous with high amounts of damage dealt. drop Magma Cream. Hostile
1. Crimson Forest. This red, lush biome was added in the latest update, 1.16, The Nether Update. In it, you can find Piglins, Hoglins and, in small lava pools, Striders.
2. Warped Forest. A blue variant of Crimson Forests, in which many Endermen spawn. Nothing else to discuss.
3. Soul Sand Valley. a large, well... valley made out of well... soul sand. Loads of fossil structures spawn here together with many Skeletons and Ghasts. Most dangerous nether biome by far.
4. Basalt Delta. My least favourite biome in all dimensions. (ha ha) Loads of basalt pillars and blackstone. lots of lava , Striders and Magma Cubes as well.
5. Nether Wastes. The original nether. What else can i say.
The End. Far more empty than the Nether. Acessed by entering an End Portal in a Stroghold.
1. Enderman. Also found in the Nether and Overworld, Endermen are tall with thin limbs, and can carry and place blocks.
2. Ender Dragon. The boss, the final challenge. Found in the Main End.
3. Shulker. A small mob which hides in it's shell and shoots projectiles that can cause you to float.
1. Main End. The large island in which the fight against the Ender Dragon takes place. When you enter The End you spawn near it, on a cube of obsidian.
2. Chorus Forest. It rhymes! found in the Outer End, which can be acessed after defeating the Ender Dragon. Loads of Endermen and Chorus trees (or are they bushes, or maybe just plants?) Also the biome in which End Cities can be found. You can find Shulkers and Elytra in these NAT-GEN Structures, along with other valuable plunder.
Now that we have finished with the other dimensions, let's talk about the winners of the Theory-Down. if you didn't check it out, then sorry, but it's too late. but you can always assist to the next Weekly Minigame, to be posted shortly. Anyway, i promised that i would give the winner of the challenge a special reward. i would allow him to chose the theme of the next WMTF post! But we need to know who the winner is. so here is the Top 5 Leaderboard!
2. @Fc500 's theory.
3. @ScaryLookinHobo ’s theory
4. @Badowie e ’s Theory
5. My theory
Congratulations @BIGBOYRULESTHEWORLD ! You Won! Comment on next week's subject below and i will follow your order, as promised. as for the other guys, better luck next time (especially me)
Next we will learn how to BUILD BETTER.I prize myself as a pretty good builder, so i think i should teach you guys.
1. Choose colour palette. Choose the blocks you want to build out of and where you want to integrate them. i usually choose oak or spruce planks, spruce or oak logs, cobblestone and stone bricks, but you can choose anything you want.
2. Build framework. Imagine your house is 7*7. and it's a square. then make a 7*7 square on the floor from the block you choose and get started. remember, use your palette. You are an artist.
3. make the corners. Put any block you choose for the corners in the corners and pillar up as many blocks as you want the house to be height-wise.
4. Fill it in. fill in the gaps beetween the corners, maybe leaving space for a window. all good.
5. roof. add your roof and ceiling and your done! but is something missing<'somehing you can't get a grip on? im here to help.
Possible Problems.
Too Bland. Your build is missing something from outside. then add a flower pot, or a small windowsill, or an outcrop in front of your door. or maybe landscape around a little bit.
Boxy. Sorry man, but if it's too boxy, you will have to tear it down, or maybe delete the corners to make a circle.
Too small, too Big. Just change the size of the build.
something else. try to figure it out. are your windows too big, too small? do you need something inside? or a cute detail on the outside? you can do it, trust me.
That's it for this topic. let's move on!
On Saturday, i started a new world called HaloCraft, with my friends TriedWharf and FastRF. It was really fun, and we did a lot. it had a really good seed and the portal led us straight to a fortress! we also found a massive desert village!
I will tell a bit about it now, and, later, i will show you the reason.
We try to mimic HermitCraft by making shOps and bases. we didn't make mini bases yet, because we had a little house all together, and then Wharf went AFK and a creeper blew up inside, so now we need to go make us some. we also have full iron gear, and are looking for diamonds. none yet. Branch mining sure is a bore. Our shops are: The Woodcutter's Wagon (my shop) The Meatman's Wagon (Fast's shop, cause he thought it was all wagons) and BlockDom (Wharf's shop, which sells every single block that he stole from me before)
Why all this info? you might ask. i reply. today, I invented a new activity, the Survival Diary. You have a little notebook or Memo/Document in which you write down your survival experience. try it out, it's fun! remember to tell me everything that happened too!
Wow. big post. I just realized this is longer than the mega post last week. Woah.
Remember, you can join the project! LordMortis7 (aka TriedWharf) already has! here is the list!
- IronStain98
- Lord Mortes7
Bye, and stay safe during these hard times! remember to like and follow the project! see ya tommorow, on the second Weekly Minigame!
Hey guys, welcome back to WMTF! And already on the 3d release! Today we will talk about a more survivalish Minecraft experience. Let's go!
Any Minecraft Story Mode trailer will tell you that the game we are discussing is vast and boundless. but there is more than one world. apart for the land in which we spawn, the OverWorld, there are two more dimensions, the hellish Nether and the strangely moon-like End. first, we will discuss the Nether.
First, to get to the nether, you need a 5х4 framework made out of obsidian. (Pro Tip. Obsidian is a dark block, found in the depths of the world or in underwater ravines) this framework is the portal. to activate it, you can use a firecharge, a flint and steel, or a burning block. you will be met with a purple glow inside the box. If you walk into the portal, you will be teleported to the Nether, but it takes a few seconds, so be patient. After stepping in, here is what you can find:
1. Zombified Piglins, (alias Ziglins) The zombie version of the Piglin and the re-texture of the Zombie Pigman. Spawns everywhere in the Nether
2. Piglins. Porkchops on two legs. you can barter with them by dropping gold in front of them or pressing the "Barter" button. attack players without gold armour. Neutral/Hostile. spawns everywhere.
2½. Piglin Brute. A mini-boss found in Bastions. These guys deal loads of damage, so don't mess with them, or else you will be in pig trouble.
3. Hoglins. Big muscular hunks of bacon that can easily take you out. Hostile. Crimson Forest.
4. Striders. Cute, ugly little things that can walk on lava. The ONLY passive mob found in the Nether. You can ride it with a saddle and a Warped Fungus On A Stick. (probably the longest item name ever) Passive
5. Blazes. Found in Nether Fortresses. drop Blaze Rods, used to make eyes of ender, in turn used to find the stronghold, to lead you to the End. Hostile
6. Wither Skeletons. Found, together with Blazes, in Fortresses. Have a chance to drop a Wither skull, which can be used to build the OP mini-boss, the Wither. Hostile
7. Magma Cubes. Variants of the Slime. super dangerous with high amounts of damage dealt. drop Magma Cream. Hostile
1. Crimson Forest. This red, lush biome was added in the latest update, 1.16, The Nether Update. In it, you can find Piglins, Hoglins and, in small lava pools, Striders.
2. Warped Forest. A blue variant of Crimson Forests, in which many Endermen spawn. Nothing else to discuss.
3. Soul Sand Valley. a large, well... valley made out of well... soul sand. Loads of fossil structures spawn here together with many Skeletons and Ghasts. Most dangerous nether biome by far.
4. Basalt Delta. My least favourite biome in all dimensions. (ha ha) Loads of basalt pillars and blackstone. lots of lava , Striders and Magma Cubes as well.
5. Nether Wastes. The original nether. What else can i say.
The End. Far more empty than the Nether. Acessed by entering an End Portal in a Stroghold.
1. Enderman. Also found in the Nether and Overworld, Endermen are tall with thin limbs, and can carry and place blocks.
2. Ender Dragon. The boss, the final challenge. Found in the Main End.
3. Shulker. A small mob which hides in it's shell and shoots projectiles that can cause you to float.
1. Main End. The large island in which the fight against the Ender Dragon takes place. When you enter The End you spawn near it, on a cube of obsidian.
2. Chorus Forest. It rhymes! found in the Outer End, which can be acessed after defeating the Ender Dragon. Loads of Endermen and Chorus trees (or are they bushes, or maybe just plants?) Also the biome in which End Cities can be found. You can find Shulkers and Elytra in these NAT-GEN Structures, along with other valuable plunder.
Now that we have finished with the other dimensions, let's talk about the winners of the Theory-Down. if you didn't check it out, then sorry, but it's too late. but you can always assist to the next Weekly Minigame, to be posted shortly. Anyway, i promised that i would give the winner of the challenge a special reward. i would allow him to chose the theme of the next WMTF post! But we need to know who the winner is. so here is the Top 5 Leaderboard!
2. @Fc500 's theory.
3. @ScaryLookinHobo ’s theory
4. @Badowie e ’s Theory
5. My theory
Congratulations @BIGBOYRULESTHEWORLD ! You Won! Comment on next week's subject below and i will follow your order, as promised. as for the other guys, better luck next time (especially me)
Next we will learn how to BUILD BETTER.I prize myself as a pretty good builder, so i think i should teach you guys.
1. Choose colour palette. Choose the blocks you want to build out of and where you want to integrate them. i usually choose oak or spruce planks, spruce or oak logs, cobblestone and stone bricks, but you can choose anything you want.
2. Build framework. Imagine your house is 7*7. and it's a square. then make a 7*7 square on the floor from the block you choose and get started. remember, use your palette. You are an artist.
3. make the corners. Put any block you choose for the corners in the corners and pillar up as many blocks as you want the house to be height-wise.
4. Fill it in. fill in the gaps beetween the corners, maybe leaving space for a window. all good.
5. roof. add your roof and ceiling and your done! but is something missing<'somehing you can't get a grip on? im here to help.
Possible Problems.
Too Bland. Your build is missing something from outside. then add a flower pot, or a small windowsill, or an outcrop in front of your door. or maybe landscape around a little bit.
Boxy. Sorry man, but if it's too boxy, you will have to tear it down, or maybe delete the corners to make a circle.
Too small, too Big. Just change the size of the build.
something else. try to figure it out. are your windows too big, too small? do you need something inside? or a cute detail on the outside? you can do it, trust me.
That's it for this topic. let's move on!
On Saturday, i started a new world called HaloCraft, with my friends TriedWharf and FastRF. It was really fun, and we did a lot. it had a really good seed and the portal led us straight to a fortress! we also found a massive desert village!
I will tell a bit about it now, and, later, i will show you the reason.
We try to mimic HermitCraft by making shOps and bases. we didn't make mini bases yet, because we had a little house all together, and then Wharf went AFK and a creeper blew up inside, so now we need to go make us some. we also have full iron gear, and are looking for diamonds. none yet. Branch mining sure is a bore. Our shops are: The Woodcutter's Wagon (my shop) The Meatman's Wagon (Fast's shop, cause he thought it was all wagons) and BlockDom (Wharf's shop, which sells every single block that he stole from me before)
Why all this info? you might ask. i reply. today, I invented a new activity, the Survival Diary. You have a little notebook or Memo/Document in which you write down your survival experience. try it out, it's fun! remember to tell me everything that happened too!
Wow. big post. I just realized this is longer than the mega post last week. Woah.
Remember, you can join the project! LordMortis7 (aka TriedWharf) already has! here is the list!
- IronStain98
- Lord Mortes7
Bye, and stay safe during these hard times! remember to like and follow the project! see ya tommorow, on the second Weekly Minigame!
Hey guys! as my project (Weekly Minecraft Tips and Facts) is slowly expanding, we will occasionally be having Special Events. The reason i posted this so soon after the Mega Post is that next week, there will be something covering this topic.
Not telling ya though.
First things first. What is a theory-down?
A Theory-Down is like a show-down but with theories. The player submits a theory about a random part of the game in the comment section. e.g
I think that the Warden come from the end, because the sculk growths have that endy feel
On Wednesday next week, i will post the next WMTF post and the winner will be announced. and what does the winner get? he gets to choose the topic for the next WMTF! If you have a theory you created (stealing theories from YouTubers is not allowed) then submit it in the comment section!
Let the Mini-Game begin!
If you can't come up with a topic for the theory, then choose one below:
Ruined Portals (your own theory, not the Builder race one)
Crying Obsidian
Have fun! and remember, you can always join my project. LordMortis7 already has!
Hello! it's me, IronStain98, and first things first, sorry for not posting in a while. So today, to compensate, we are having a MEGA POST. the first theme today is 1.17, the Caves and Cliffs update
On October 3rd, 2020 (duh) Mojang announced a new update, the Caves And Cliffs update.
The Warden mob. A large mob, bigger than an Iron Golem, that tracks players by Vibrations. Hostile. Overworld. Big. Really Big.
The Axelotl mob. a small mob, smaller than an Iron Golem. pink and is enemies with guardians. can play dead. Small. Overworld. Neutral.
New caves, Dripstone Caves, Deep Dark caves, Lush Caves, Large Caves.
Goats! neutral mobs, furry, medium, white fur, like kicking mobs out of their mountain (get out of my mountain!)
Bundles, Archeology, Ceramics, Moss and... Glow Squid! the mob vote winner (bye icologer, you will be missed)
Updates! all major updates since 1.9 up to date (ha ha)
1.9 Combat Update! Shulker Boxes, Far End, Shulkers, Elytra and End Cities.
1.11 Exploration Update! Added Horses, early Illagers and Mansions! oh and explorer maps.
1.12! World Of Colour Update. the update in which i joined! concrete, and red, blue, yellow, pink, green, blue, dark blue, orange, coloured blocks.
1.13. Update Aquatic. Drowned, Tridents, Dolphins, more fish, improved fishing and shipwrecks and ruins.
1.14 Village And Pillage. better trading, pillagers, ravagers, proffesion blocks, more house types for villages, and pillager outposts.
1.15. BEE! you like jazz? then this update is probably your favourite.
1.16 Nether Update. Piglins, Striders, Hoglins, Zoglins, Ziglins... wait, no Ziglins? ah fine, Zombified Piglins then. Bastions, Bane Of Dream fortresses and Soul Speed enchantment, as well as Crimson Forests, Warped Forests, Soul Sand Valleys and Basalt Deltas.
And soon, 1.17!
Survival Tips!
I, as the pro gamer i am, (and a modest one too) i will explain what you have to do. step by step, when starting a new world.
Punch some trees until you get 32 logs and observe the biome you are in.
If in a plains or taiga or anything for that matter, look for stone to make tools.
Punch some sheep. They softer than trees
Make tools. using sticks made from 2 planks, and stone, you can make tools.
Getting late right? make a bed from the wool you got, and if you don't have enough, then make a small hut out of wood and hide there. to pass the time, you can mine for ores underground. (do NOT mine straight down.)
Morning! get out of your hut and hunt sheep! you should find some, so make a bed out of that.
start work on your cool house. fences, doors and trapdoors are essential for a good build. next week, we will talk about builds.
Maybe build a tall pillar while you are at it and see if there is anything around. you might see:
A pillager outpost. do not go there until you get full iron.
a village. loads of houses. go there and lock the villagers in their houses and get the loot
A ruined nether portal. we will talk about those later.
a lava pit. you can use these to make portals to the nether or cobblestone generators. anyway, back to steps.
9. finsih some of your house and put down a crafting table, a furnace, to smelt the ores you mined, and a bed, to sleep. when it gets late, sleep.
10. play it your way! you might like to mine into the depths and look for diamonds, or build a nether portal, or even quit your world for some snacks! do it your way!
That's all for my 10 tips for playing survival. please share your worlds in the comment section. Thanks a lot!
If you need more help, you should check out these youtubers.
Wattles. a great guy, who can show you how to make farms, cool houses and anyhting else. check out his Minecraft Guide series!
Grian. really cool youtuber. check out HermitCraft and his build school series!
Mumbo Jumbo. like redstone? watch and learn.
Skip The Tutorial. like crazy challenges? Then check out this channel then.
Fundy and FundyLive. Really cool games like impossible, Nightmare and Cursed modes.
Dream. cool speedrunner and a genius.
Remember, i am not advertising. you dont need to check them out. just recommending them.
That's it for today! Hope you liked today's MEGA POST! if so, like and leave a comment. ideas are welcome. see you next week!
___________________________________________if you want to join my project, tell me and you will be added. you can make your own posts in the series, invite me for project co-ops and more! sign up in the comments!
Mine has to be the piglin.
What's yours?
Edit: What's your favorite announced feature for 1.17, and your favorite 1.16 feature? I'm really excited for the cave generation, and my favorite part had to be the crimson forsest)
🔮Go to nether and take: iron/diamond sword🗡️, gold and item u want to 🧮doublicate🧮. (for exsample i will use 💎diamonds💎) find baby piglin and dig a hole or just trap him. hit 👶🏽baby👶🏽 piglin 2 times (so later u can kill him from 1 hit) drop/give him "💎diamond💎" (or any item u wana dublicate (works with any items)) then drop him gold (he will take "💎diamond💎" in another hand) then it takes gold kill him (must be killed by one hit) and now u have 2 "💎diamonds💎" ;) enjoy (it rly works, if dont try again)👁️👅👁️ 📝comment if it works! and if u want video totorial!!!📝
Endermen are the only mobs that spawn in the warped forest biomes. The fungi and plants in the warped forest are very similar to ender pearls in color. In a video by the YouTube user Arcadecloud, an enderman has a warped fungus on his head. It is possible that the ender dragon sent out endermen to bring mushrooms and plants to the nether, and the endermen found out that the plants could not survive, so they put their ender pearls into the plants and fungi. Then, the piglins stole the plants and fungi and put blaze powder in to make the crimson forest biome. Those evil piglins, stole the hardwork of the endermen who put their lives into making the nether a better place. And so, the piglins regretted it, storing many gold in the bastion remnants and wanting to return it to the endermen, but the souls of the dead endermen haunted their minds, possessing the piglins into gold-liking creatures.