Team Villager! We will be heroes!
Team Illager! The villagers scammed us anyway!
72 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll
73 Votes in Poll
Its called chucky
Im serious now a village near spawn and a outpost right in it
66 Votes in Poll
Ok so the seed may be posted on saturday because of a raid i ran into a outpost while searching and i got bad omen because a banner pillager attacked me so i killed it. i entered a village while searching and i wasted a lot of time on a stupid raid. so i got half of the jungle done and tomorrow i will work on the other half of the jungle biome and hopefully get the to the forest srry guys :/
I had just generated a new world in Java Edition and was using Creative Mode to fly around to look for a Jungle where I wanted to build my home, and along the way I found a Pillager Outpost in a Plains biome, but it had generated over a pool of lava, so the Outpost was on fire!