685 Votes in Poll
685 Votes in Poll
Hi everyone, I tried to replicate sigils netherite factory using the honey block. But when I tried it, it didn't work! So on my best world I did this so I turned on cheats to see if it would work, but it didn't! What happened? Did Sigils install a mod for Camp Minecraft? Did he use commands to do this? Please tell me your ideas or give me something that works on switch!!
-SoulReaper/Jonasaurus Rex1
#Sigils #Camp Minecraft
Ok like if this is a good idea and comment if it's not. Would it be cool if bees dropped stingers and you could use those to make poison arrows or poison potions because it make way more sense and a practical use for bees.(notice that I only said to bees. Honey and stuff is good butt I feel like bees are kinda useless rn so don't get mad.)
Ok I'm not trying to brag because most of you already have this stuff.
I have defeated the ender dragon 2 times, I have the egg, The End Portal is under My house. I have a Fortune III Unbreaking III Efficiency IV Netherite Pickaxe, a Unbreaking II Riptide III trident, a Fire aspect II Unbreaking I Sharpness IV Looting I Netherite Sword, a Sharpness II Looting II Unbreaking II Netherite Sword, 3 Conduits, 245 Xp Levels, 53 Diamonds, 5 stacks of Iron, 3 stacks of gold, 4 stack of block of coal, 2 stacks of Lapiz Lazuli, 3 stacks of Redstone(That one no big feat) a Normal Trident, a Channeling I enchanted Book, Diamond Armor, 2 netherite scraps, found a Bastion Remnant with 23 blocks of gold, I have a Respawn Anchor, Village with 2 villagers(THEY JUST WON'T BREED!) Every single kind of vegetable, Chorus fruit, 3 Water Breathing 8:00 min, Friend that eats pufferfish and drinks harming II potions(That's Not very bright now is it?) Elytra, 2 Dragon Heads, A parrot up until recently RIP Eden, A bunch of wood, Finally found a Swamp so some slime balls, and thats about how much I've done, Working on to fight the wither once I'm ungrounded.
That was more of a rant lol!
Have a Fantastic Friday!(I'm Not, No Video Games This Weekend. UGHHH)
SoulReaper aka Jonasaurus Rex1
Hi, I'm confusled. The other day I connected my microsoft account to minecraft on my switch. Is there a way to connect to it and not link my purchases? I put Leave On device, but then I can't sign into it! I'm so confused. Please Help.
I found an IP address and I want to connect to the server via command block, I found a Crazy Craft IP address, and I wanna cheat to play it, I play on switch so I'm trying to find away around to other servers. Cause I'm making one myself for my family. SO HELP!
HP: 90%
87 Votes in Poll
The only thing anyone uses on my SMP are Harming II arrows with a maxed out bow. With full netherite armor maxed out, it takes two hits to kill them. 3 if they have a totem. Just wanted to inform you!
Snapshot version - 21w06a
There is no whitelist you can join straight away!
You need to be on the above snapshot to join the server.
There is no rules really just keep chat clean.
Griefing and all that is allowed so protect your base :-)
free to do what you like
100% vanilla
pretty active
You can join using the ip below
Join our discord - https://discord.gg/Nk6GtD3459
Enjoy your stay any questions or issues you can contact me on discord
the server is 24/7
87 Votes in Poll
Weakness: Dark blocks blinds it (contains obsidian, bedrock, netherite block, ancient debris, black concrete, black stained clay, repeating command block, purple concrete, purple stained clay) and dies instantly when out of water
Healed from: Sea lanterns
Spawn: Near underwater castles.
Extra Info: The no-texture looking part blends in with the nearest block when attacked.
Attack Damage:
Easy: 0.5 hearts
Normal: 1 heart
Hard: 2 hearts
Attack methods: Just bonk.
Raw Cracier 1. If you don't cook it, it has a chance to give you blindness.
Dictated Bone 0-1. Used to brew Potions of Hypno.
Potion of Hypno 0-1. Whenever you drink it, it will reverse everything you did. Lasts for 3 minutes, can also be brewed by Dictated Bones.
These are the updates we should have, but first some credit to Minecrafters:
We think there should be a new forest update, one that has deer, and apple trees where we can actually see apples! If you have Antlers and you put is in an Item Frame it would appear 3D. Personally I think they should add bears! We should have forest dwellers (aka Nymphs).
I think we need a desert update! I agree with one fandom user that the abandoned wells should have a complex maze underneath, and I think this is where Mummies are going to come in, This could be an ancient burial ground! I also think there should be a new type of golem. The Golem of the Desert. This is a boss that when it drops a very rare item called the totem of The Neverending storm. This totem is activated by a ceremony that includes iron, diamonds, Netherite, Gold, Totem of undying. When activated it releases a never ending thunderstorm, if you go to sleep that doesn't help to stop the storm. After 9 Minecraft days a Giant version of the Warden Combined with the Wither, Ender Dragon, Golem Of the Desert, and Iron Golem. This boss drops the Scepter of Lightning. When you use the scepter against enemies if you hit them with it lightning comes directly on to the mob. You can also use a charged lightning attack that emits a powerful bolt of lightning from the scepter to the enemy.
There also should be a giant castle in each world(one per world) where a powerful sorcerer lives. He will give you a quest to collect all the scrolls of power. When you collect all of them(All 20) you give them to him and he will say Come follow me and he will lead you to a room with a portal you've never seen. The sorcerer will open the portal with the scrolls of power and the portal will take you to the Arcane Realm where you can choose one of 6 paths: Necromancy, Pyromancy, Lightning, Ice, Water, Earth. This will enable you to become a Sorcerer yourself. But you will have a magic meter above your experience bar. For each level you earn you earn 1 full magic meter. The Path Of Necromancy at the highest level will enable you to control Husks, Zombies, Skeletons, Zoglins, Zombiefied Piglins, Wither Skeletons and The Wither. Beware you may only choose one path. The path of Pyromancy gives you control of fire, and the mobs of the nether. The path Of Lightning gives you powers of storm where you can control lightning. The Path of Ice gives you control of strays and creatures of ice. The Path Of Earth gives you control of all the creatures of the Overworld. It also gives you the ability to create masses of land! This Update should be called the Arcane Update.
The next update that should come out is the Supernatural update! This update would include vampires, vampire hunters, Werewolves, Werewolf hunters, Ghosts, Bigfoot, The Yeti. If you get bit by a vampire you cannot go out during daytime but if you wear a helmet you can. If you get bit or killed by a werewolf you transform into one at night, but you know who you are and other Mobs will leave you alone. If you get killed somewhere you turn into a ghost and must find the spot you died at and then you come back.
These are some cool updates that should be out!
-Jonasaurus Rex1(SoulReaper)
46 Votes in Poll
I've tried doing:
/effect @e strength 1800000 245
/effect @e health_boost 1800000 245
/effect @e regeneration 120 245
But that didn't work... So how do I make a strong zombie using commands?
Also how do I spawn a Zombie with enchanted Netherite armor and a Enchanted Netherite Sword?
Pls give me the right commands and instrux to do this!!
Ok. here goes nothing.
Mojang actuallty released a bunch of stuff on Bedrock for the Caves And Cliffs. Like seriously. Check it out:
I just thought that maybe we shouldn't blame mojang for no content, i mean, that's an 8 MINUTE video!
57 Votes in Poll
So like, I'm tryna get different custom potions for example a nausea potion but all commands ik only work for Java and I myself don't have a computer only my switch and phone so like does anyone, ANYONE AT ALL, Know a command that let's me get custom potions in bedrock?
Icon: The gravity enchantment from Minecraft Dungeons
What it does: Deals more damage from falling and you jump lower
How to make: Fermented spider eye on leaping (already makes slowing, will no longer make it)
Color: Deep Purple
Can't be removed with milk, but can be removed with honey or leaping potions