I really wished that iceologer was added in the frostburn update! (1.10) It could've been found also in tundras!
I really wished that iceologer was added in the frostburn update! (1.10) It could've been found also in tundras!
The Frozen
A biome variant of the zombie that spawns in the tundras and mountains
Behavior: Aggressive
Hp: 10 / 20 Hitpoints
ATK: Easy:2.5 / Normal:3 / Hard:4.5 /
Size: 2 blocks tall / 1 block wide
Drops: 0-2 rotten flesh 100% / 1-2 wool 2% / 5-7 experience
Speed the same as a zombie
80% chance to spawn instead of a normal zombie in tundras and mountains
Will attack villagers
Burns in daylight
Will inflict slowness II for 2 seconds when it hits you
Immune to slowness
Looks like:
Spawns in: Snowy Tundra
Drops: 0-5 Rotten Flesh, 0-10 Snowball, and 1 Snow Block.
Attack Methods:
Hit As strong as a player, inflects slowness 1 for 10 seconds.
Whatever this is called Throws a snowball and pushes you away.
Behaivor: Hostile
(note: may reference the Frozen Zombie from Minecraft Dungeons)
74 Votes in Poll
The village looks nice with the snow and vines
This leather worker inside the house is in a yellowish jungle outfit whereas the snowy tundra outfit is white and brown
Finally! The underground hallway is finished and I've build another tavern and I add more armies. Now I've 56 armies in my winter fortress.
In the hallway, is the museum.
Of course you know, I add more armies and beds.
The tavern.
Whew! I finally finished the winter fortress.
I've build the underground rooms and the tavern but I haven't finished, coming soon.
And I would like to called, Fort Frostern.
It reapeated till the water
Seed: 28984025
Cordinates at the pic
Hello everybody! I am Winter Beret!
I have played Minecraft on the PS3 since 2013 and have finally gotten Pocket Edition.
I'm looking for developers who work on Minecraft content to help me make games and teach me more about command blocks.
Our first game being made is Hero Of The Village, an RPG 1.14 dedicated game.
Become an operator today on my servers! Join my discord, as here is the link: